scars (Ch. 9)

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Ahhhhh... I slowly dying inside- my eyebags are getting ridiculous and not motivation to do much but I want to do daily upload-

TWs: abuse mentions, scar mentions

-Hunters POV-

I walked along the long hallway, I had to attend a meeting, the coven heads were going to be there too so Im screwed... I just sighed and pushed the doors open, I felt all eyes go to me

"Oh hello little thorn!" Terra said smiling at me, I just kinda walked in and over to my uncle, not saying anything, I wanted to cry
"Not a talker at the moment hm?" Adrian said, I just nodded and then belos began speaking...

After the meeting

The Emperor left, the meeting was finally over! The coven heads seemed to just start talking, I took this chance to leave and maybe... Escape again!

I quietly walked past them and headed towards the doors, then I felt something wrap around me, I looked down to see abomination goop wrapped around my legs, I suddenly fell over and was dragged back towards the coven heads

"Where you going little prince?" Of course it was Darius- I mean who else would it be
"You should stay a while! We always welcome new people"
"I'm not new..."
"Oooo he spoke!" Terra snickered
"Shut up old lady"
"annoying as usual- guess that's not changed" I just looked down, I didn't like it when people called me annoying... It made me feel bad for always wanting attention and validation
"Terra stop being mean" I heard a familiar vocie say
"Raine?" I looked back up and saw Raine smiling at me
"Raine!" I ran over to Raine and hugged them
"Hey hunter..." They hugged me back
"Wow so you like Raine but not us?" Adrian seemed offended
"Yes" I just hugged Raine tighter
"You look hot bud, you can take your mask and cloak off you know that right?" I froze at the mention of taking my mask off, I simply couldn't, my face was covered in scars from belos hitting and cutting me
"N-No I'm fine...! Really!" Raine just looked at me sympathetic and sighed
"Alright then... I trust you" then the coven heads began talking about random stuff, I just stood holding onto Raine the entire time

After the conversation ended

It was just me and Raine left in the meeting room now, everyone else had left, they turned towards me and looked me dead on the eyes

"Hunter take the mask off..."
"I- I can't-"
"Hunter I order you to take your mask off!" I just stood there, coven heads had more power then me, they were second on the hierarchy- it means I kind of have to listen to them... But I-
"No... Raine you don't understand" I backed away a bit
"I know I dont understand... But I want to, I want to help you, something is wrong hunter and your going to tell me" they placed their hand on my shoulder and I tried hard not to flinch, they then flicked my mask off my face and it slide across the floor

I heard them gasp, I quickly covered my face in an attempt to hide the scars but Raine just moved my hands out of the way

"Hunter-" they placed their thumb on one of my scars
I again just looked at them, there's no way I can tell them that belos gave me these! It will be the end for me
"Missions, nothing bad!" I giggled awkwardly at the end of my sentence
"Hunter I trust you, I really hope belos isn't doing anything to you, please tell me if he does alright?" I nodded and they left, I grabbed my mask and left the room too

That was close... But I think they do know- I mean why would they assume belos, could be anyone else like Kiki but no they went to belos...

They know dont they...

I fell asleep will writing this lol, I just woke up and I was so confused on why my phone wasn't on charge lol

Written by: Polyamorous_Flapjack
Edited by: Polyamorous_Flapjack

Proof read ☑️

Word count: 696

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