dont let him take me! EDA! (Ch. 8)

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I'm excited to write this juicy- I'm sorry I can't take the word juicy seriously anymore- ehem, I'm excited to write this juicy angst

TWs: abuse, blood, blood mentions, fighting, swearing

Oh and also lots of POV changes as this one will be long lol

-Hunters POV-

"Play more songs!" King shouted, I chuckled, I've taught myself how to play the guitar and king loves listing to the songs i play, so does Luz and hooty
"Alright..." I began playing a song, it was shorter then the others but king didn't mind
"Your the best hunter!" I just kind of stared at him-
*'the best...?'*
I shook my head and smiled at him
"Thank you king, your the best demon overlord" king smiled happily and wondered off somewhere, then hooty began screaming...


i froze
"WHAT?!" Luz shouted, she immediately looked at me "hide. NOW!" I nodded and ran upstairs, tears were already forming in my eyes, I don't want to go back... I can't go back! He'll hurt me- he'll hurt flapjack- he'll hurt Luz, king and eda! I started taking deep breaths so I could keep calm, I ran up to edas room and locked myself inside, I went over to her nest and hid in a compartment me and Luz found a couple days ago, and just as I went in I heard to door get blown down

-Luzs POV-

"HOOTY!" I yelled as I watched him get hit with a fireball, knocking him down
"Hoot- ow- hoot-" eda came rushing in and gasped at the sight of the coven scouts

"We don't want a fight... We just want the golden guard" one said
"NO! HE'S NOT GOING BACK TO THAT HORRID PLACE!" I yelled and charged at them, I hit two with fire glyphs and proceeded to use my ice and vine glyphs to attempt to stop the others, eda joined in too, she grabbed some of the glyphs off the table and began attacking

"Well if you want a fight you'll get one..." Suddenly eda was blasted back with a beam off light
"WEH!!" King used his powers and knocked the scouts back
"What the-" I pulled out a invisibility glyph, placed it against myself and held my breath, I then began attacking from behind and Infront, it confused them alot

"That's... ENOUGH!" someone yelled as a red wave magic knocked us all down... I looked up in shock and horror

"Ah yes hello again luz..." I could tell he was grinning under that horrible mask "now where's my nephew?"
"Like I'd tell you!"
"Oh I recommend you do or the birds get it" a scout then handed owlbert and flapjack to belos, he began squeezing them, they both chirped in pain
"How did you-" I looked behind me to see 2 coven scouts holding eda and king

"Where my nephew Luz..?"

-Hunters POV-

I covered my mouth and backed up a bit
*'they have owlbert and flapjack...'* I stumbled on one of the stairs and fell backwards, making a very loud bang

"what was that?" my uncle said
"We'll go check" I heard two scouts say, I felt panic and fear rise in me... I got up and began running back up eda's room, I locked the door again and hid in the secret compartment

*'please be safe flap...'*
*'please dont be hurt... I can't lose you...'*

I wiped my eyes and brought my knees to my chest

"Hey this doors locked!" Oh no...
"Blast it open then nitwick"
"Oi don't call me a nitwick you dingus"
"Omg just blast it down already!"
"Alright calm down"
"AUGH! Stupid bird! Of course you would be the golden guards palismen, so fiesty and persistent"
They have flap with them?! Shit shit shit

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