Wanted (Ch. 5)

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TWs: panic attack

-Hunters POV-

"Hey eda..."
"Yes hunter?"
"Can I go to the markets with you?" I asked
"Sure, I don't see why not!" I smiled at eda and went to put shoes on, once I had my shoes on I met eda outside
"Ready?" I nodded as I got onto the staff
"Go owlbert!" Then the staff flew off

At the market's
(I'm lazy alr?)

We landed safely and eda set up her stall, she gave me a cloak so I could hide myself, I thanked her and began walking around the market, I've never realised how beautiful some of the stalls are- guess I've just been to busy chasing people down to notice... I just sighed and walked up to a big board that was nailed to a wall, it had bounties and wanted posters on it, I was scanning through it when one caught my eye... I stood in shock
*'no no no no no no'*

I ripped the wanted poster down and ran back to eda

"EDA!" she turned to look at me, so did some other people at her stall
"Kid what's wrong?"
"I-i can't tell Infront of them..." I whispered loud enough for her to hear, she looked confused but nodded
"Sorry folks but I have to close up, I'll be open again soon!" The people nodded and walked away, she then walked into the tent thing behind her, I followed.

"Alright kid... What's wrong?" I showed her the wanted poster
"Wow- your on a bounty poster- that is terrible-" she continued to stare at it
"Geez kid! 400'000 snails!?!?" She looked up at me "we need to leave before you get spotted- or well owlbert can take you back to the house, I'll stay and get us some money" I nodded in response and just looked down, eda then called owlbert and owlbert came flying in
"Owlbert take hunter home please, he isn't safe here" owlbert hooted and turned into his staff form
"Alright kiddo get on and I'll set it off" I got into owlbert and then eda hit the back of it, owlbert then shot off and out of the tent, leading back to the owl house

At the owl house

We landed and I got off owlbert, I sent owlbert back and told him to be careful

"Hoot your back earlyyyy" hooty said turning his head in a circle
"Yeah... I know..." I opened the door and fell on my knees, flapjack then hopped on my head, it made me flinch since he kinda came out if nowhere...

"What am I going to do flap?! What if a scout finds me?! I'm going to have to run again!" My breathing started to become uneven
"I-i do-dont want to be pun-ished" it was getting hard to breath, extremely hard, I gasped for air and fell down onto the floor
"I-i ca-nt do t-hat again!!" I was crying now, I gasped again and covered my face, falling onto my side, flapjack started trying to calm me down, but I couldn't calm down, there gonna find me... I'm going to have to go through that pain again! I don't want to! I can't!

"hoot hunter?!" I took my hands away from my face and saw hooty Infront of me, I jumped backwards and hit my head
"Hoot calm down!" He came closer
"I-" he then wrapped himself around me and dumped me on the couch
"Breath buddy breath ummm follow my breathing!" He started taking deep breaths, I copied his breathing and began calming down
"Wow I'm so good at helping!"
I nodded
"Thank you..." Flapjack then flew onto my shoulder
"Oh hi bird buddy!"
"He said hi back"

-Edas POV-

I walked through the door and dropped everything on the floor, my arms were so tired
"Didn't cause any trouble to hunter did ya hooty?" I asked looking at him
"Nope! I helped him hoot!"
"Hooty what did we say about helping people..."
"No he really needed it! He was having that thing you call a- umm- a panic attack? Yeah that!"
I kinda stared at him in shock- how did he know how to deal with one- well I have helped hunter with many while he was around so he must've copied what I do
"He's alright tho?"
"Mhm! He's asleep Over there" I looked over at the couch which hunter was laying on, he was asleep along with his palismen
"Good..." I walked over to him and place my hand on his cheek
"They won't take you away..."

"I won't let them take you away."

Mama eda, why can't eda be my mother 😭😭

Why must eda be fictionalll waaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaa😭😭😭😭😭😭😭😭😭😭😭😭😭😭😭😭😭

Written by: Polyamorous_Flapjack
Edited by:Polyamorous_Flapjack

Proof read ☑️

Word count: 820

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