we're free? (Ch. 11)

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This is a month after the flapjack incident

TWs: swearing, scar mentions

-Hunters POV-

I'm starting to feel less alive everyday... It's not the same without flap... He kept me company and helped me so much! But now he's gone! He's fucking gone!

I felt a tear roll down my cheek as I walked through the dull hallway to the meeting room, I opened the big heavy doors and looked in shock to see Luz, eda and king tied up next to belos

"HUNTER! YOUR OKAY!" Luz yelled as I walked into the room, I just waved at her and walked over to the emperor and stood next to him

"Hello everyone..." Belos said, he was definitely grinning under the mask
"Today we are deciding what to do with them" he pointed his staff at Luz, eda and king, king looked terrified...
"Any ideas hunter?"
"I say we let them go... They did nothing wrong..."
"They kidnapped you!"
"I ran away, I stayed there cause I chose too, I could leave at any time but I stayed..."
Belos sighed and the ropes tieing up Luz, eda and king disappeared
"I'm disappointed, I don't understand why you ran away"

"Maybe because your a shit care taker" eda yelled "kids covered in scars because of you and your shit parenting!"
"What did you just say to me" I clutched my artificial staff, I was ready to attack if anything happened, I didn't care anymore
"Your a shit guardian!"
"I'm not, hunter tell her she's crazy"
"No... You are a bad guardian..." I looked down "I'm covered head to toe in scars because of you, I've nearly died countless times because if you... And not to mention you KILLED MY FUCKING BIRD!" I shot a strike of red lighting at him, it hit him in the centre of his mask, I watched as the mask shattered and fell to the floor, I heard gasps from the coven heads who were in the room
"You backstabber...!" I clutched my staff harder
"The only backstabber here is you!"
"You tell him hunter!" I heard Luz yell, I giggled a bit and went back to being serious , I shot another strike of red lighting at belos, he blocked it with a spell tho
"Wild magic has messed with your mind hunter!"
"No it's made me realise how much bad you're doing..." Luz then attacked him from behind but was then picked up by some vines, way to ruin an awesome fight scene

"This got boring fast" I looked over to see Terra
"Terra put luz down!" I pointed my staff at her and she laughed
"Go one little thorn shoot me!" And as she said that I did, she blocked it with a vine but it was worth a shot, she placed Luz on the table and laughed again

-Luzs POV-

I am so confused right now- a second ago I was dangling in the air by a vine, now I was sat on a table surrounded by coven heads who seemed really shocked

"You alright Luz?" I recognise that vocie-
"The one and only!" They giggled
"Omg eda was right your adorable!"
"LUZ!" Eda yelled while blasting belos with a fire spell

"ENOUGH!" Belos blasted Hunter and eda with a red wave of magic, causing them to be thrown into the walls, luckily king was to short to be impacted, he then immediately ran to eda who comforted him
"Can believe you chose wild magic over me again Caleb!"
"Oh right, you won't know..." Belos grinned, hunter slowly stood up and pointed his staff at belos, I'm also surprised hunters mask is still on too-
"Hmm I should just tell you now huh?"
"T-tell me w-what?"
"Oh god stop with that awful stutter!"
"Oh shush human!" I was then hit with a strike of red lighting, I fell off the table and hit my head
"As I was saying..." He approached hunter and placed a hand on his shoulder, he then whispered something in his ear and I could see hunter freeze

-Hunters POV-

"You know, out of all the grimwalkers, you look and act the most like him (yes i added some extra words)"
"What-" I stumbled backwards and dropped my staff, he just grinned and turned towards eda and king
"I hope you know you've just been looking after a clone, you've honestly wasted your time trying to protect him.."
"A clone??!"
"Oh sorry, ehem, grimwalker"
I watched edas face go from confused to shocked
"Why the shocked face?" He laughed
"I quit..." I mumbled
"What was that cal- hunter"
"I quit"
"Speak louder"
"I QUIT!" I grabbed my mask, pulled it off my face and thew it to the ground, I knew everyone would be shocked by my scars but I didn't care right now
"You- quit?" He laughed again "you don't have a choice of you get to quit or not, I decided that"
"No, I'm not your nephew so you can't control me, I'm just a-a clone..." I picked my staff back up, he sighed
"Alright then... But I do still have control over you, I'll let you run for now Caleb but just like the others you'll slip up and end up" he created a little figure out of goop and crushed it "dead" he smiled
"You can all leave now! Oh and Luz, eda, king and hunter leave the castle before I petrify all of you" I watched as everyone left but I was frozen in shock

"Your just letting us go?" I asked
"Of course, I need everyone alive and well for the day if unity... Can't really petrify anyone, titan said so" I got a bad feeling from when he said 'i need everyone alive and well for the day of unity' I just nodded and ran out.

I saw luz, eda and king waiting outside, as soon as Lus saw me she tackled me to the ground with a hug

"Omg hunter..."
"What?" I felt her feel one of me newer scars
"What did he do..."
"Eh it's nothing, I free now anyway... No more scary golden guard" she smiled and helped me get up
"Yeah, no more golden guard... Good job kid..." I smiled and we began walking away from the castle

"Where's owlbert?" Luz asked
"At the house"
"Oh hunter what did you mean by belos killing your bird- he didn't actually did he? Flapjacks okay right?" I sighed and placed a hand on her shoulder
"Little rascals okay right?!" I looked at her and watched her smile turn into a frown as tears welled in her eyes
"Flapjacks- flapjacks not with us anymore..." I looked down and began fiddling with my thumbs
"O-oh..." I placed my arm around her and we kept on walking
"Already your okay... Atleast we're free..."

"We're free..."

That's not the end btw, the next chapters gonna be set a couple months later and near the day of unity, sorry if this story moved fast, there was alot of time skips so it seems quite fast lol, I use to writing long slow story's but seems this one's just different

Written by: Polyamorous_Flapjack
Edited by: Polyamorous_Flapjack

Proof read ☑️

Word count: 1224

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