The owl house (Ch. 3)

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TWs: abuse mentions

-Hunters POV-

I awoke in a unfamiliar place, I was wondering where I was when all of this morning's memories came rushing back, I looked down to see I was still tied up, flapjack was also still asleep which most likely means it's early in the morning...

"Oh your awake" I looked up and saw the owl lady standing Infront of me
"LET ME GO!" I yelled, I began squirming around attempting to get out the ropes
"There's no use golden guard, amity came round and took over, the magic ofc"
"Oh... Umm what's the time?"
"About 11am" I looked at her shocked
"Mhm, why so panicked?"
"No reason..." The owl lady looked at me with a suspicious look but didn't
bother pushing
"Why were you snooping outside my house at 3 in the morning anyway?" She sat down next to me
"Why would I tell you?!"
"Cause until you do you'll be tied up" I grumbled and attempted to move again, I did end up moving buttttt that was to the floor... I face planted into the floor
"Your so stubborn and stupid"

2 hours later

I was back on the couch of course, flapjack was awake now too, he was attempting to break the ropes but his palismen magic wasn't strong enough

"Hoot! Luz and amity are here!" The tube worm bird yelled while opening the door
"Thanks hooty!" Luz walked in and looked at me "you're awake, that's good!"
"Oh yeah... He is" amity hissed
"Let me go human!"
"I can't sorry golden guard, only amity can" I looked over at Amity
"No the last time I did you attacked me!"
"CHEEP!" Flapjack then began pecking at amity, you could tell by her facial expression it didn't hurt one bit
"Get your dumb bird of me"
"FLAPJACK IS NOT DUMB! HOW DARE YOU!" I yelled at amity, I don't know why either- was I already that attached to flap? I mean I've already given him a nickname-
"Little rascal has a name?"
"Yes human" amity seemed to be having enough of being pecked at because then she grabbed flapjack, she didn't do it aggressively or in a why to harm him, just to stop him
"Your bird is very protective I see" amity said slightly smiling at flapjack
"Let him go blight"
"Nahhh I think him and owlbert will have fun together" she smiled and walked away with flapjack, I attempted again to move and fell face first into the floor again-
"Shut it human!"

"Alright everyone just calm down a bit please" the owl lady said walking into the room "anddd he's on the floor again-"

After hunter was put back on the couch

"Alright kid, talk" I didn't, I didn't even bother looking at them
"Talk!" Amity yelled, I flinched but didn't say anything again
"We'll make you talk then" her palismen then turned into a staff and she pointed it at me, I froze, my heart beat began rising and quickening, I didn't have flapjack or my artificial staff to protect me

-No ones POV-

Hunter was beginning to panic, he didn't want another scar, he already had a new one, he just wanted flapjack, he should've just stayed at the castle and not have left, he shouldn't have come here, what was he thinking?! Tears began blurring his vision as he looked down at the owl lady's floor

"N-o" hunters vocie cracked and wobbled, amity slowly began putting her staff down, she was shocked to hear the the golden guard was... crying?

"Kid?" Eda approached hunter and placed a hand on his shoulder, he flinched and looked at her, tears stained his cheeks and his eyes were red
"Kid are you okay? What's going on?"
"I-im sorry- I di-dn't mea-n to start cry-ing"
"It's fine kid... Crying is a normal thing-"
Hunter just stared at her
*'crying is a normal thing? B-but it's a sign of weakness-'* hunter was confused, very confused
"Amity untie him"
"But eda-" eda glared at her "okay..." Amity drew a circle in the air and soon the ropes disappeared
"Alright kid... Your going to tell us why your here okay? Tell us everything please"
"Can we be alone..." Hunter mumbled, eda nodded, even tho hunter was an enemy she wanted him to be comfortable
"Amity, Luz can you leave? Bad but sad boy wants to talk in private" Luz nodded and grabbed amitys hand, leading them upstairs and away from hunter

-Edas POV-

The girls walked upstairs, presumably to luzs room, I turned to looked at the golden guard who was wiping his eyes
"Alright golden guard-"
"Hunter... It's hunter" he cut me off
"I know, just thought you'd like to be called golden guard more"
"No... Not anymore..." I looked at him confused
"Okay? Anyway... What's with the rip in your shirt and why were you snooping outside my house?"
"Oh the rip? It's from something... And I um ran away from the Emperor's coven... Flapjack suggested to come here so I listened to him and did"
"Why did you run away" I sat down next to him
"Its-" he took a deep breath and looked down
"I don't get the best treatment there... The coven heads either hate me or ignore me, kikimora wants me dead... She tried to kill me once and the scouts don't really help... Other then Steve"
I nodded
"What about the Emperor? How does he treat you"
He seemed to tense up at this
"Not that best... I- if I fail a mission I get punished and the punishments aren't that nice..." He looked at the rip in his shirt, then something hit me
*'The Emperor wouldn't hurt his own right hand man-'*
I sighed and looked at hunter
"He did that didn't he? The rip-"
Hunter only nodded
"Did he hurt you too?"
He nodded again, tears formed in his eyes
"He's done it before... Thats how I g-ot the sc-ar" he began crying, it broke me to think that the Emperor would do this, do this to a child, I slowly went closer to hunter, I let him know I was coming and I hugged him, he then just broke down... i slowly rubbed his back to help calm him down
"Ple-ase don-t take m-e bac-k"
"I won't kid... I won't..."

We love mama eda <3

Also it is still new year, I made last chapter at like 12:32am so yeah, double update technically

And happy new year- again-

Thank you for reading and supporting me, it's means alot to me

Written by: Polyamorous_Flapjack
Edited by: Polyamorous_Flapjack

Proof read ☑️

Word count: 1124

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