watching the months fly by (Ch. 24)

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This is the part 2 to last chapter

I also need some help on bring an ending, I don't want to rush it but I have no ideas really, help would be very appreciated!

This one will be shorter then the last chapter as I go off the pictures from willows scrapbook and idk what half of them are 👍

Enjoy my beloved rats
(This name for y'all may change soon hehehehehe)

-Narrators POV-
(Month 4)

Everyone was sitting in the living room waiting for something good to come on the TV, then they came across a nature channel that was talking about fireflies

"Fireflies?" Willow said curiously "are those like fire bees?"
"Nope, they aren't dangerous nor on fire!"
"Excuse me?!" Camila said shocked "the bees were on fire?!"
"Yep! Very dangerous"
"lluvias hirvientes, abejas en llamas! ese lugar definitivamente no es para niños"
(Translator was used for this, I do not speak Spanish)
"You know what" Camila said standing up "how about we got see some fireflies, I'm sure you'll love it"
"Nahhh I'm too tired" hunter Saud yawning
"You can trap and study them?" Luz said hoping it would convince hunter, hunter had been so keen of learning about human things so this had to work, and it did, they were now all in the car and hunter and a big jar

"You sure they won't die?" He asked
"I'm sure mija" Camila said smiling at hunter

At the spot

Everyone hope out of the car to see small floating lights

"What are those" amity said in awe
"Those are the fireflies!" Luz Saud holding amitys hand
"Cool!" Hunter said smiling
"Go get them then" Luz said, hunter opened the jar and ran into the swarm of fireflies, he caught a couple and closed the jar

"Are you sure this is okay?"
"Yes Hunter it's finnneeeee, it's not illegal to catch fireflies" Luz said slapping her face (🤦)
"Okay..." Hunter then kneeled down and began inspecting the, Luz popped up behind him and looked at them too

As Luz and hunter stared at the fireflies, Gus tried to catch some but was very much scared that they would catch fire even tho they were told that they don't

"Perfect!" Willow giggled and smiled as she snapped a photo

-Narators POV-
(Month 4)

Camilla and vee had decided to cook dinner for everyone, empanadas, Luz seemed excited, the witches didn't even know what they were but seemed excited

"They sound cool!" Gus said loudly
"Mhm I agree" Willow nodded
"Well they are!" Luz Saud happily
"What is an empanada?" Hunter asked
"It's a type of ?Spanish? food!"
Hunter just stared at her
"You idoit, the language you've been learning!"
"Oh- hehe-" Luz slapped her face (🤦) and sighed
"Hey I have a bad memory!" Hunter argued
"No you don't!"
"Yes I do!"

This sibling fight ended up lasting maybe 20 minutes until they amity and Gus managed to break it up

"Hmpfh!" Hunter crossed his arms and turned away from Luz, Luz did the same, both having angry facial expressions

"What are we going to do with them-" amity said

-Narators POV-
(Month 5)

Amity has been very interested in glyphs lately, with nothing better to do she wanted to learn how they work, Luz offered lessons and of course amity agreed to take them

"Alright and then!" Luz tapped the glyph "it would normally creat a light ball, sprout a plant, shoot fire or an ice spike etc!" Luz Saud smiling slightly
"How do you draw such a perfect circle!' amity grumbled, they had been going for an hour yet amity couldn't do it, she couldn't draw a circle, which to her was embarrassing but to Luz it was funny and amusing in a way

"AUGH!" Amity yelled as she grabbed another sheet and tried again
"Calm down sweet potato"
"Mauve if I could draw a perfect circle j would!" Amity went back to focusing on her glyph drawing, Luz smiled and laughed a little watching her awesome girlfriend attempt to draw a circle

"AUGH!" Amity yelled as she grabbed another sheet and tried again"Calm down sweet potato""Mauve if I could draw a perfect circle j would!" Amity went back to focusing on her glyph drawing, Luz smiled and laughed a little watching her awesome girlf...

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Sorry for the long wait, I had my phone taken off me by my parents and didn't get it back until about 4 hours ago so yeahhhhhh, there goes my finch streak and my sh clean streak- lets just say I don't cope well not being able to talk to friends- ehem

Hope that was good lol

Written by: Polyamorous_Flapjack
Edited by: (I didn't edit this)

Proof read 🚫

Word count: 752

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