Run away (Ch. 2)

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TWs: blood mention

-Hunters POV-

I opened my eyes and looked around
*'Today is the day'*
I looked over to my alarm clock to check the time
*'3:00am, good no-one should be awake'*
I got out of bed and walked over to my closest, I opened it and picked out an outfit, I can't wear my golden guard uniform in public it would get my caught, I also grabbed and blue backpack that was sitting on the floor of my closest, I needed something to carry my stuff in.

I started to get changed into my outfit, I basically just took off my cape and the vest I wore under it and just wore my undershirt, I changed into some different pants and looked at myself in the mirror, I looked strange not being in my uniform but I liked it, I grabbed the blue bag that was now laying on the floor and packed a couple things

•My frog plushie
•A blanket that fit
•My savings (20 snails)

And of course flapjack would go in too

"How do we leave flap- I can't risk going through the entrance"
"Cheep cheep tweet chirp"
"Ah yeah of course the window" I walked towards my window and peered down at the floor below
"How do I get down"
"Cheep tweet chirp cheep"
"Oh yeah- you could just fly me down" flapjack then made an annoyed face at me and turned into a staff, I grabbed him and sat on the edge of my window sill
"We're going to be free from now on flap" I slowly got onto the staff and pushed off the wall, I was now flying away- away from the place I use to call home... It was never really home tho, more like work to be honest.

In the forest

Flap decided we should stop in the forest, which is a good idea, the trees were dense and hard to see through, even harder to fly through, I only got a couple scratches while I was managing to fly through, they shouldn't bleed tho, not deep enough to

"Alright flap, what do we do now... We have nowhere to go" flapjack transformed out of his staff form and began chirping
"Cheep chirp"
"The owl house??!!" I laughed "No way bud! They hate us, I attacked luzs girlfriend for crying out loud! Did you forget?"
"Cheep... Tweet"
"I mean- if it will make you happy we can try..."
"Heheh okay, let's go buddy" I smiled at flapjack, I loved it when he was happy, it made me happy... Flapjack then landed on my shoulder and nuzzled into my cheek, he soon fell asleep, I couldn't blame him honestly! I'm tired too, that flying made me tired and my cut still hasn't healed so I'm also in pain- life really hates me huh?

At the owl house

I peeked my head round a tree and looked at the house, the tube worn bird was sleeping, makes sense it's 3am... Why can't I just wait till morning-

"Huh? Oh your awake bud"
"Cheep chirp cheep!"
"Mhm now quite down we don't want to wake that thing" I pointed at the tube worm bird
"Cheep chirp?"
"Idk what the thing is bud- its like a tube worm bird or something"
Then the tube worm bird started opening its eyes
*'Crumbs it's waking up!'*

"Hoot! What a sleep!" It said "hmmmm I swear I heard someone?" I gulped, it heard us... We're doomed
"Huh?" It looked in our direction "Ooooo FRIENDS!" It started coming at us, I immediately jumped up and started running but it got us anyway, I grabbed flapjack and held him close to my chest
"Let us go you tube worm bird!" I began kicking my legs
"Hoot your covered in scratches" It looked at me "HOOT YOUR BLEEDING! ILL GET EDA TO HELP" the tube worm bird then opened the door to the owl house and threw me and flap inside, I made sure to shield flap from the fall

"You okay buddy?" I said placing flapjack on the floor
"Good... I would've killed that tube worm bird if you got hurt" I patted his head and he snuggled up to my leg, he was definitely tired

"Hooty I swear I'll kill you if this is a prank" said a vocie
"It's not hoot!" Oh crap its that tube worm bird and someone else, I picked up flapjack and scrambled to my feet, I then ran towards the door, it was open so I could escape, I know flapjack wanted us to come here but we just got kidnapped by a tube worm bird, as soon as I reached the door it slammed shut

"Ehem" I turned around to see the owl lady standing behind me "what are you doing here golden guard..."
"I-i" I couldn't speak
"Got no words huh?" She began walking towards me, my heart beat quickened, she wasn't going to hurt me right?
"I may not have the strongest magic but I still have some" she drew a circle in the air and magic ropes suddenly appeared around me, they tightened so I was tied up and I was then led to the couch
"You stay here and sleep, we can talk tomorrow" the owl lady then just left

"Welp flap what now..."
"It's fine bud, you can't predict the future"
"Cheep tweet"
"Yeah, goodnight bud"
"Tweet" flapjack snuggled into my chest and we both feel asleep.

Thank you for reading and supporting me, this means alot to me

Written by: Polyamorous_Flapjack
Edited by: Polyamorous_Flapjack

Proof read ☑️

Happy new years :)

Word count: 947

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