A Continuation

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You pass out on the cold concrete, blood spilling from your stomach onto the floor into a pool that soaks the skin it touches, winter winds creating a tomb with its flurries. You gasp for air, lungs burning and begging to be filled with oxygen to fight to stay awake, to stay alive...

"[f/n]!" Chuuya's voice echoes around you once again, and once again you can't see him, nor can you feel his presence anywhere close to you.

You want to scream for help or scream in pain, but you can't, and before you know it, you've lost consciousness.


When you open your eyes again, you're in your room at headquarters in almost complete darkness save a small lamp at your bedside table glowing its feeble light to illuminate your surroundings just enough. Your whole body is in pain, and you've broken into a cold sweat. You're shaking, heart beating wildly and eyes searching the room for a cause to your discomfort.


Chuuya's voice comes from beside you now, and when you turn you find him sitting up next to you, ginger hair disheveled and falling over his face as he puts a hand to your forearm meant to calm you down. He's wearing a simple, satin white blouse and dark pants to match, and you're unsure if he's been sleeping next to you or if he'd just been working late.

Due to both of your positionings, Chuuya is slightly overtop you, looking down at your face with distress painted over his worried gaze. His blue eyes have a green hue against the yellow light, and they swirl like a whirlpool of mesmerizing blue tones as he puts a hand against your forehead now, dropping it and letting out a relieved sigh that you don't quite understand.

"You're ok. Do you remember what happened? Do you know where you are?" Chuuya asks these questions awkwardly, gentle words not strange to the executive, nor to you, but against his usual brash, loud and confident demeanour, they feel practiced.

"I'm in my room...but..." you start, looking away from him briefly, eyes searching the room again for answers to the other question then landing on your own body with unfocused concentration. You search your brain for answers, and when you find none, Chuuya takes your chin with his hand and turns your face back to him.

"It's ok. The boss said this would happen." He murmurs, pushing your hair out if your face before leaning in and planting a soft, lingering kiss on your forehead.

"You were shot and you lost a lot of blood. It was a day after our new year's celebration. Your body has been replaying the last moments it remembers...but you're ok now." Chuuya explains to you, voice a low, reassuring hum, and as you listen to him a few things become clear.

The aching in your body is the leftovers of the wound you suffered, and your visions had been memories, not delusions made up by your mind. Nevertheless, there were still a few things that wouldn't stop bothering you. Other than your temporary loss of memory, there was something about the visions that left this haunting feeling in your heart, like there was something missing which you couldn't place, or there was something hidden in the shadows of your memories that your mind insisted on hiding.

"Chuuya...am I really ok?" You suddenly ask, sitting up and turning towards him, meeting his steady gaze nervously. Your eyes search his pale face, the angles you love and have gotten to kiss, catching the way his lips are tugged into a frown and his eyes narrow in concentration and...


"Yes." The executive answers almost too quickly, reaching over and taking both your hands in his, giving them an affectionate squeeze and leaning his forehead on yours so you both close your eyes and listen to nothing but each other's hearts in the silence.

It's a moment that becomes precious to you before it's even ended, and suddenly you crave his warmth and wish he'd press himself against you properly, as a way of reassuring this was all real.

"Just come back to me. Always, ok?" Chuuya adds these words in a whisper that sounds so unlike him, that's what confirms to you there was something else, something you were missing that caused Chuuya's cocky, reactive personality to mellow down in such a way and turn into something that was more sorrowful than you'd heard from him; something the exceeds the protectiveness he felt towards you.

"What are you talking about?" You ask quietly, pulling away from him only to catch him cast you a long, heavy look of longing that makes your heart want to burst.

When Chuuya doesn't answer but instead looks away from you, you can't help but take his face like you've taken a hold of glass, making him look at you just as he had done to you, your gaze softening when he finally meets your eyes again.


"When you get lost again in your past, remember I'm waiting for you in the present. Remember I won't abandon you like-"

You don't let him finish his sentence, interrupting him with a quick kiss, both your lips now hovering over the others while you ignore the pain in your abdomen and the voices in your head trying to pull you away from this moment.


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