8: Curiosities

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It isn't until three days later that you are once again brought on a mission to finally close the cases of the sensitive information Chuuya's team had been after for a while. Instead of your usual torturing, all you had to do then was use your ability to control someone to give the team access to where the files were being kept, and due to specific instructions, you were not put in any position that could compromise your healing wound. Even then, you felt an odd sense of pride afterwards and you wonder if Kouyou's words are in fact a little bit true.

I have power that belongs to me.

Moving on with the day, Chuuya wasn't there when you went on the mission, since his power wasn't needed, but he is the one that you now have to deliver the files to so he can sort through them and discuss them with the other executives and the boss. So, as soon as you return to headquarters, files in hand, you have nothing else on your mind but to find Chuuya and return what is rightfully the Port Mafia's, hoping he is pleased with the work. Walking through the halls, your dark outfit blending you right in, you make it a point to burry any confusing emotions you had been feeling the past few days to only focus on being efficient and useful.

Dazai would agree.

Although...should I still be thinking about him? Kouyou and Chuuya would tell me no...but I can't just forget everything.

I never did find out what happened to him...

Arriving to Chuuya's office as you had the other day, you knock softly on his door and wait for an answer. You wait a few minutes with nothing but silence greeting you, so you them decide to knock again. When you get absolutely no answer, you decide to open the door yourself, which is luckily unlocked, and slowly walk in to the empty office, a window to the side letting light in, illuminating a shelf of dusty files and other things that you aren't sure what exactly their uses are. His desk sits at the end in the middle as usual, a half empty bottle of wine sitting their with a clean glass next to it, papers scattered across the desk as if Chuuya has been trying to find something without any avail in the letters and left it all there to solve itself.

As you walk to the centre of the room curiously, you are well aware it is not your place to be here without the owner being there as well, but you can't help it. Something about it all pulls you in, and since you had never been allowed to ask questions or wander before, you let yourself get distracted with bringing the files directly to Chuuya as you do a round around his office, checking to see if anything caught your eye. After hearing Kouyou talk about him, and after being treated so differently by him as well, you start to wonder who exactly Chuuya is, what his story is...maybe why he hates Dazai so much. Frustrated you hadn't found anything at all, you start glancing through his files. All you find is different missions he's had or still has pending, and as you look further back and find older files, you still find nothing on him and Dazai.

No clue as to what happened...

That's the real reason I'm searching isn't it? To find out more about Dazai...

Discouraged, you let out a sigh of defeat and put everything back as you found it, walking out of his office silently, closing his door with the file you still have to deliver in your hand.

"What are you doing?"

Standing facing you as you stand in front of Chuuya's door, a blonde woman you had never seen before looks you up and down judgementally, a brow arched questioningly on her face as she waits for your response.

"Who are you?" You ask instead of answering, guard up. By the looks of it, the woman definitely has some authority around the mafia, though something in the way she stand gives you the suspicion that she doubts it herself. Noticing that, you decide to push on that very doubt to distract her from the fact that you had been very obviously in an executives office without being invited in.

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