6: Conflictions

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You wake up to the ringing of the phone Chuuya had given you, your eyes opening up reluctantly as you reach out to check the time and who it is calling you. Not to your surprise, it's Chuuya on the phone, and also not to your delight, it is only night of the same day. Only a few hours had passed since you'd gone back to your room. Picking up the phone at the last second, you wait for Chuuya to speak, an awkward silence on the phone between you until you hear him clear his throat and begin talking.

"So you didn't go looking for the jerk."

"No. But you knew I wouldn't didn't you? Not after what you said..." Your voice comes off as low but soft, hurt, but dull.

Your criticism didn't come without consequences for me.

You can practically see Chuuya's face trying to put your subtle reactions together, in his own way trying to get to know his new subordinate.

"Are you...never mind. I've found a new lead related to the mission we were on earlier. My team captured a few of the men, but Akutagawa's killed most of them. There's two left and Kouyou has left you to interrogate them."

"You sound reluctant to ask me to do that."

"It's personal. I don't agree with the way you turn using your ability."

"What does it matter to you?"

"I'm your superior. Just come down to the Port Mafia basement cells now."

Chuuya hangs up quickly, leaving you staring at his name on the phone, the light reflecting in your eyes, confusion growing in you as you still can't quite grasp the type of executive Chuuya is. Pushing it out of your head with a sigh, you just slip the phone into your pant's pocket, leaving your room and heading down to the basement as you have been ordered to. Before you do make it down there, you take a connotation through the armoury, taking a small dagger for yourself and slipping it in your sleeves, finally sticking back to the path through the halls that lead you downstairs.

Walking down the stairs, face emotionless, you see Akutagawa's figure leaned over threatening one of the men attached to one of the cell poles, everyone in the room turning as soon as you reach the last step down, including Chuuya who was supervising on the far right of the room, arms crossed aggressively, fire in his stance. Upon seeing you, Akutagawa backs away from the already bruised man, hatred igniting in his own eyes after recognizing you from earlier. He looks like he wants to protest to you being there, but he knows better with one look towards Chuuya, who is watching you reach the middle of the room, his blue eyes satisfied with your arrival.

"The information we were looking for wasn't in the building that was raided. However, we found these men trying to escape. I'll ask the questions, but you'll lead the interrogation." Chuuya explains, and you nod as your eyes shift to the only conscious man, the second one probably passed out before you got here thanks to Akutagawa again.

This time you are not driven by not wanting to disappoint Chuuya, but instead with the need to show Akutagawa he was wrong about you being the reason Dazai left in the first place. You'd been fighting those thoughts for a long time, and now starting to work with Chuuya, you wanted to push it all away. You want to explore the different effects Chuuya has on you instead. But you can't do that if you're weak.

You've proven it to Dazai before, and you'd prove it now again. This time without needing to have Chuuya stop you.

"Akutagawa." Chuuya calls out, and the dark haired man hands over a piece of paper with a name written down, making your job easier now that you only have to activate your ability.

Stepping forward, you see alarm on the prisoners face, though he tries to hide it with a smug look and big talk.

"Well hello, princess. Are you here to charm the information out of me? You look much too pretty to be in such a job."

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