37: Arguments

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You fell asleep with Dazai next to you.

It wasn't your intention, in fact you hadn't noticed that Dazai fell asleep beside you until you woke up with his face in front of yours sleeping peacefully; his long dark lashes hovering closed, his slightly wavy brown hair falling over his hair softly and his breathing slow, Dazai looked like a totally different person when not awake. There was nothing sinister about the way his body lay there without the troubles he always seemed to carry visible, something about the view making your heart squeeze. Remembering last night, the way he held you with no other intention but to comfort you, you almost want to reach out to his sleeping self just to make sure he's real, that you hadn't imagined it all like an oasis that turns out to be a mirage in a hot desert when you need water most. Of course, you don't, not wanting to wake him up, so instead you get up slowly and put on the coat you had left at the end of the bed, glancing out the window with a sigh in the hopes to clear your mind a bit.

Looking outside, you realize the day is a bit clouded, the streets not as busy as last night and the wind colder, though less active. You find comfort in the dullness of the morning match the way your heart feels heavy after being away from the Port Mafia without a word to anyone and promising Chuuya you wouldn't disappear and would be fine.

This was necessary though.

Looking back to Dazai still sleeping away his morning, you feel a bit of guilt though nothing ever happened between the two of you all due to the fact that the last time this happened, you spending a night with the ex-executive, Dazai kissed you and Chuuya was infuriated.

Would he get mad again if he knew?

Would he understand?

No, it's best I don't tell him.

Biting your lip in deep thought, you remember Dazai's plead that you forgive him, unease settling in as you ponder your answer to that. All you had ended up doing was looking up at him through your fresh tears, your eyes sparkling with starlight in them as you stood silent and undecided, confused. After that, you had let go of Dazai and asked him to leave, laying in bed and hugging yourself until you fell asleep; Dazai apparently staying with you anyways.

What was he doing?

Shaking your head, you check the time on your Port Mafia phone left in your coat, the time reading an hour before noon and leaving you shocked at just how much you overslept. Swiftly, you glance at Dazai one more time before stepping out of the room and silently closing the door, letting out a deep sigh before walking down the stairs and waving to the woman at the counter, quickly mouthing that the man left in the room would pay the rest that you owed. Taking your leave, you walk outside and breathe in the air, the smell of rain heavy, clouds beginning to pile up.

A storm maybe?

Nervously, you look around the close to empty streets in the hopes of finding some transportation service operating near you, but unfortunately you see no sign of even a taxi to take you to the headquarters building faster, meaning you are left to walk and hope not to be caught in the rain. Deciding to not wait any longer, you begin to cross the street to make a turn, only stopping once you're on the other side and you feel the hair on your body stand on edge, the feeling of eyes on you making you shiver. Whipping your head to the windows of the small hotel, you expect to see Dazai's tired eyes lingering on you, but the windowsill is empty of his lean figure; there is no one visibly watching you at all.

Suddenly, the grey atmosphere you taken comfort in feels hostile, every step you take feeling like a risk as the burden of being followed only grows as you keep going, every nerve standing on edge.

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