30: Romance

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"What do you think?"


The night after he left, you slept without any difficulty, the storm always stirring inside you calmed like the shores of a beach in paradise, your mind and body properly resting for the first time in a long time. There had been something so honestly touching in the way Chuuya had looked at you after you asked him your last question, the way his usually tense expression melted into a calm and confident smile, his blue eyes unable to contain the answer to your question despite his indirect words. Your heart had fluttered and for a sweet second your soul didn't feel like a million little pieces trying to piece themselves together; you felt whole, you felt...happy, despite your difficulties.

Waking up, you weren't notified of any new missions, so you spent your time freshening yourself up after breaking through the fever, putting on a casual burgundy dress reaching your knees Kouyou had been kind enough to leave for you after ruining your other clothes on the missions, the dress being tied at the waist by a silk belt of the same colour to add that extra touch of style the executive was known to have. Overtop, you wear your longest black trench coat, leaving most of the buttons unbuttoned besides the middle and instead being tied by its belt as well. Your hair stays down and once you're done, you stand a long while looking yourself over in the mirror with uncertainty, touching the part of your skin that showed and were very obviously scarred with a bit of a frown on your face.

Before you are allowed to delve too deep into your thoughts, there's a knock at your door. Going to answer it, you're a little surprised to see Higuchi standing there, an uneasy look on her face. Your heart suddenly drops, as the last few times Higuchi had appeared in front of your door things never ended very well. You never liked her very much, though the majority of it was her nosiness and the fact that you could never understand her motives. One moment she hates you completely and needs you gone and the next she's worried that you've gone and died on her watch. You've suspected it's probably just her sense of responsibility hinging so much over the opinion of those in the Port Mafia, but it doesn't take away from the many times she's concerned herself with things that have nothing to do with her in the first place.

"Marion- Miss [f/n], you're needed up in the boss' office...he and Akutagawa sent me to get you." She informs you without too much hesitation, looking away a few times as you watch her carefully, trying to read the situation.

"Why?" You decide to ask before you follow her, raising an eyebrow when she looks annoyed at the thought of the answer though she shakes her head in response.

"I was told not to tell you since they are official matters between you and Mori."

"Fine" You sigh, preparing yourself mentally for this meeting you are being called to out of nowhere, a part of you more nervous about seeing Akutagawa again than anything else.

Following Higuchi through the same, familiar, long halls leading to Mori's office, you only grow more nervous the longer you think about what they could need from you, your heart practically bursting out of your chest by the time you've reached the door. With the blonde opening it first and stepping out of the way so you can enter, you find Akutagawa staring you down as soon as he hears you enter the room, Mori looking up from a paper on his desk and greeting you with a polite smile. Higuchi then leaves your side and goes to stand a little behind her superior so to not disturb him but to stay close, allowing you to walk closer to the centre of the room, only coming closer when Mori beckons you forward until you are directly next to Akutagawa, making sure you leave a space in between nonetheless.

"[f/n], I'm so glad you could join us...I was just talking to Akutagawa here about your little mission that went quite well so I've heard, and then I got a brilliant idea. Though it's been a bumpy road, I've seen so much potential in this partnership between you and Akutagawa. Therefore, I've decided to relieve Chuuya of his responsibility to being in charge of you and instead decided to pair you up with Akutagawa. He's already agreed, and Higuchi being second in command of course had to approve. So, what do you say? I'm thoroughly impressed with all your progress..." Mori puts his hands together and scrutinizes you with an elegance hiding the clear ultimatum he was presenting you with. Disappoint the Port Mafia's boss, or prove your strength by accepting to work alongside the man that tried to kill you. Both seemed horrific to you, but there was really only one right choice.

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