20: Tempest

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The truth would ruin his trust in me.


Running after the executive, as soon as he hears your voice he stops in his tracks and turns around, allowing you to catch up as he waits for an elevator up to take him to Mori's office. Your throat hurts from yelling his name, your knees aching, but all of that is far from your mind when the elevator door closes and you stand next to Chuuya, the ding of the floors going by as you try to figure out what to tell him exactly. Mind rushing through possible ways to start a conversation, whether you start as to why you hadn't been answering any calls or text messages or from when he kissed you, your heart beats uncontrollably trying to break out of its cage. About to open your mouth to start with a simple apology, Chuuya surprises you by talking first.

"Do you ever think about anything before doing it?"

You turn your head to him as soon as you hear his question, confusion on your face as to what he means evident even though he doesn't face you, keeping his eyes on the elevator door. His tone is oddly aggressive as he talks to you though contained, almost as if he is offended but trying not to show it was much as possible.

Am I imagining things now?

Why does he feel suddenly so cold?

"When I saw you yesterday I didn't want to admit that I was lost."

"You're always trying to prove something. I told you I'd help you, so why do you always refuse any sort of assistance? Higuchi was ordered to find you since it was her responsibility I placed you under for one mission...but I saw you last. I don't think you've realized just how much the boss values you."

Is he mad?

"I'm sorry. I didn't think...that getting help elsewhere would be such a problem...especially after-"

"Getting help elsewhere? Where did you go exactly?"

Before you answer, the elevator door opens again and you both walk out, you trailing behind slightly as Chuuya makes his way to Mori's large office doors.

"After we k- after you left, I was going back to headquarters but Akutagawa-"

Once again you are interrupted, but this time it's by the opening of Mori's large office doors, the dull lighting from his grand office windows still brighter than the mafia corridors causing you to flinch a bit. Chuuya looks at you before entering, signalling you to follow inside before he uses his ability to close the door behind you, walking up to Mori's desk without revealing a shred of emotion. You try to contain yourself too, looking around the office since it had been a while since you'd last been inside it, catching Elise colouring on the floor in the corner of your eye before you see Mori walk in and assess you with a devilish smirk on his face, looking between you and Chuuya before sitting down at his seat and clasping his hands together expectantly.

"Ah Chuuya, you've brought the subject of discussion. Easier for me then...so [f/n] you're alive after all! Barely, from the looks of it though. Akutagawa, I presume?"

How does he know?

You nod, fear of the boss sending a shiver down your spine. Chuuya's eyes widen when you confirm Mori's suspicions, looking at the marks on your neck once again and then up at your face, looking away when you glance back at him, the both of you turning your attentions to Mori when he starts talking again.

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