1: Leftovers

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Present time...

If it weren't for Elise's play parties, you wouldn't know your own birthday or age. It was around four years ago when you felt your whole body shut down, the days blurring together, heart missing in the abyss of your hurt and resentment for the man that left you without a warning, without telling you how to live without him steering. You'd grown dependant of someone you weren't even sure you could call human and you hated yourself for it...except, you find yourself unable to function without him at the same time.

For some reason, you can't let anything go. Four years ago, you couldn't sleep for days as you longed to hear his voice; you didn't eat, you didn't leave your room, a part of you hoping he would come back.

After all, what is a puppet without its puppeteer?

Now, you sit with Elise and Mori at a long table full of sweets for the blonde girl, her hair decorated with new bows and blue eyes glowing as she picks which dessert to eat next. Your seat is right beside her, your own hair outgrown and up in your best shot at a ponytail, a red ribbon holding it in place as strands of hair from the front fall out without an apology. You wear a loose black dress that reaches just at your knees, your shoes red slippers that you had been insisted you wear. You didn't love it, but you also didn't allow yourself to have an opinion.

Dazai never let you.

Staring off into space, you only jump back to reality when Elise slams her hand on the table after Mori tells her she can't have anymore cake.

"Elise, darling, you'll get sick..."

"But I want more! You never restrict [f/n]!" She complains, crossing her arms and shooting you a jealous look.

Mori glances at you helplessly, clearing his throat as he gently puts a hand on Elise's shoulders to try to calm her down.

"She never eats more than we tell her to...besides, even if she did, she's too old for me now, I only care about you, Elise" the boss explains, a guilty smile on his face as the blonde only huffs and threatens to not wear any of the new dresses, though you know that underneath this show he puts on with her, her attitude is pleasing him.

Once again, you are left tuning out their bickering and wondering why you are here. Three years ago, instead of keeping you locked up as they did with Q for being dangerous, they let you go when they realized you weren't a threat at all if you couldn't even speak for yourself anymore. Mori had tried to convince Kouyou to take you in and put you to use again, but upon recognizing you as Dazai's rumoured doll, she refused, acknowledging that you didn't plan on listening anyways.

You took orders from one man only.

In the end, you had been downgraded to a babysitter for Elise, entertaining the girl as she pulled you along wherever she seems fit while Mori was taking care of more important Port Mafia business. To you, you just...exist. The person you are now is only pieces of a whole human left over from a past too painful to undo.

"Oh! Chuuya, welcome. If you could just give me a moment-" Mori's voice rings out loud across the room, pulling you out of your thoughts once again, this time a tick of curiosity sparking motivation to turn to who he was talking to.

When you do turn, your eyes land on a young man wearing quite stylish attire, with red hair falling around his face and framing it so perfectly, his black hat only adding to the odd satisfaction of how well put together he seemed. Other than that, his outfit consists of a white button up shirt under a dark red vest, a black ribbon bolo tie, an open black cropped jacket with the sleeves rolled up at the elbows, and a black choker sitting around his neck comfortably. On top of that, he wears a long overcoat almost like a sort of cape. You find the extravagance and elegance oddly appealing, suddenly feeling self-conscious.

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