36: Merry-go-round

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Dazai holds a note in one of his hands up in front of you, which you had left for him at the counter with the lady, your writing clear on it reading "I want the answers" with only your Port Mafia signature to accompany it, your signature literally spelling out 'Marionette', an old habit you never bothered to fix but happened to fit the situation now.

Walking in after placing the note in his pocket and sliding past you, Dazai eyes the queen sized bed in the room and chuckles as he sits down making himself at home, looking at you curiously before breaking the silent tension in the room.

"A room for two? Are we spending the whole night together, [f/n]? I wonder what my ex-partner would have to say about this..." He amuses himself with his own words before fixating his gaze on you, your discomfort clear as day to him, every twitch of your body unable to go unnoticed.

"You wanted to talk, and I decided I want the understanding you keep mentioning." You respond to his teasing as calmly as you can while you stand across from him in the middle of the room, trying to keep distance between the two of you.

"What changed your mind?" Dazai suddenly stands up, walking towards you with a fading carefree smile, a darker yet curious look settling in the brown of his eyes.

"I want to get rid of you."

"How so? Your ability doesn't work on me...unless..." Dazai pauses before continuing, lips tugging into a smirk though the shadows in his eyes keep twisting into the gold.

"...you mean you want to get rid of me up here..." he pushes away a strand of hair from your face as he touches your head, moving his hand down to where your heart sits as he finishes his sentence, "...and down here."

Suppressing a gasp as your eyes grow wide, you immediately push Dazai's hand away by taking hold of his wrist, your anger pushing through in your facial expression. At this, Dazai glances at your hand around him, lifting a brow with interest to your reaction.

"I am not here for you to toy with me. I'm tired of being afraid of you and what you think you're entitled to do to me; just answer my questions so we can both walk away." You snap, letting go of his wrist and crossing your arms in front of your chest, not moving away as you tilt your head up.

"Fine, as you wish. But on the condition that you'll forgive me when we're done here." Dazai says softly, leaning down and looking your face over with an affection that confuses you, the expression still alien to you on his face. Listening to him, your heart leaps in slight horror at the thought of letting him get away with your years of mistreatment, but you knew better than to expect Dazai to have come here without his own conditions. Like you, he was here for something.

I don't have a choice.

I need to hear the answers come straight from him.


"Ok. So, where should we start?"


By the time midnight comes around, you and Dazai had been sitting at a little wooden table in the room with barely any words said, one in front of the other with only the light of the night to illuminate the other's faces. He had insisted you be the one to take control of the conversation, pushing you to your limit slowly as he knew how to, until you decided that there was no point holding back. Just as he wanted to hear.

"Why did you always say I belonged with you?" You start, your hands on the table clenched together in front of you, eyes unflinchingly on Dazai.

"What, isn't that what you wanted?"

"I wanted you to mean it!"

"I did."

"No, you didn't."

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