7: Observations

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Due to your injury caused by Akutagawa, you were not allowed to go on any missions until you're completely healed. Ever since Chuuya took you to the infirmary and helped you wrap up, he'd been checking on you every other day, assuring himself and Mori that you were healing fine, and that there was no issue at all. When he did stop by, he'd sometimes update you on the situation in the mission, and other days he hardly talked at all. You on the other hand, were almost always silent; nodding when you were required to, and giving simply answers if you had to, partially out of embarrassment, but also to refrain from allowing any emotions to wander.

At one point after almost two weeks, a softer knock on your door than usual interrupts you, and when you go to open it, you are surprised to be met with Kouyou standing there, waiting patiently with a small, sweet smile on her face. At first, you say a nothing, looking up towards the woman with distrust after hearing her talk with Chuuya about you, her sharp violet eyes studying you with interest.

"Well, aren't you going to let me in?" She asks, tilting her head as innocently as she can.

With evident hesitation, you slowly open the door wider and move away from the opening, allowing Kouyou to walk in with noticeable grace in every movement, her eyes curiously looking around your room until her eyes land on the wall with all the names written on it, face going sour for a moment before she says, turning to you fully once you've closed the door carefully.

"Chuuya is out all day today and he told me to do him the favour of checking on you. Your wound, I mean, so go on and lower your sleeves so I can see it." Kouyou instructs you, ignoring the distaste she showed for the state of your room and getting right to the point of her visit.

Standing in front of her, you don't move, looking her over, challenging her authority over you.

"Don't be so difficult [f/n], we're both women here and you've met me before. Chuuya doesn't have any problems with me, and I won't hurt you. I give you my word." Kouyou reassures you, and though you thought her patience was running thin, you see that there is no sign of any impatience, only an oddly placed kindness in her words.

"Ok." You agree, unbuttoning only one button lower on the dress shirt you decided to wear today just enough to pull it down to the injury on your shoulder, exposing the bandages and allowing Kouyou to get close enough to unwrap them carefully, cold air hitting your skin as she finishes unwrapping it, leaving your wound completely exposed. Eyes narrowing, the woman in front of you grimaces at the harsh scar tissue starting to build up.

"Tsk...it's healing well but...what a shame that it's going to leave a pretty bad scar. I can see why he's been worried...one wrong move and this will easily tear up further." She says softly, pulling out an alcohol swab and new bandages from a small bag you hadn't notice her carrying.

You don't flinch when the alcohol stings your deep cut, but you don't hide your discomfort of being treated by Kouyou, so much so that she notices and sighs, speaking up about it as she pulls out the new bandage.

"You can trust me [f/n]. You are Port Mafia, I have no means to do anything to you that wouldn't benefit either of us. On that note however...I have to tell you that you've truly had quite the effect on our dear Chuuya. I can't say what it is he thinks of you exactly...Chuuya's never been one to easily express much directly and it hasn't been very long either, but you've piqued his interests in some way. The other day he spent his free time trying to find files on you in the Port Mafia with so much determination he went to Mori about it. Sadly, he didn't find anything except what he was already told. He can't believe that almost no one knew about you, especially him after being forced to be around Dazai for so long..." she informs you, wrapping up your shoulder tightly, catching your shocked expression on your face but not saying anything about it, allowing you to gain enough curiosity to ask yourself.

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