25: Wounds

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You know Akutagawa is powerful, there has never been any doubt in your mind about his strength; but for some reason, seeing him behind you to defend instead of attack as usual and his Rashomon floating around like some demonic serpent glowing in red just beside him, how truly intimidating the fortitude of his ability and his way of being is has never truly locked in until now. It is the first time you are able to look at Akutagawa without fear or hatred, and that change you had felt for him earlier only deepens now as his grey eyes lock themselves on his old mentor, whom he holds so much respect for even now, and be bold enough to claim you wouldn't be caught nor harmed today. Or at least, not with him here now.

"You asked me not to hurt her yourself out of guilt, didn't you? [f/n] is right about everything she's said." the dark haired young man behind you adds with a curt tone woven in his low, threatening voice.

"If I'm wrong, I'll go ahead and kill her now as well."

"Akutagawa! You can't just-"

"Atsushi." Dazai quickly puts his hand out in front of the light-haired boy, holding him back from acting out and using his ability to start a fight you are sure you wouldn't make it out of. The 22 year old watches Akutagawa carefully, glancing at you every few seconds as well. You know he isn't afraid of the rabid dog and he sure as hell isn't afraid of you, but nevertheless you see his mind ticking as he plays chess with all the different ways this collision of worlds would turn out.

"We have to know when to walk away sometimes. This was obviously Port Mafia business anyways." He finally concludes, the frown that had been apparent in his face fading, his expressions completely neutral now, the light returning back into his light brown eyes as he shrugs and let's go of Atsushi, who is standing there with the same horrified look on his face mixed with surprise at Dazai's reaction, disgust directed towards Akutagawa clear in his green and purple eyes as well.

"The police will see this and know, but we still have to give them a report. Let's go." Dazai then says, turning around without a second look to spare towards you and Akutagawa, hands in his coat pockets as he beckons Atsushi to follow him with his head lightly, brown wavy hair flowing in the small wind, beige coat trailing behind him without a scratch.

"Oh, and [f/n]...say hello to Chuuya for me."

As if on cue, Atsushi and Akutagawa both glance at you in question, your eyes wide and shining with partial embarrassment and fury.

He's patronizing me.

No harm ever comes to you though you harm everyone you come into contact with.

It isn't fair.

Feeling your whole body ache, the blood still dripping down your face beginning to dry, your shoulders bruised and your back battered but hidden under your layers, nothing hurts more than the resentment you feel towards Dazai right there and then, watching him walk away without a trace of the care he had worked so hard to convince you of. The last few days suddenly seem like a mean illusion created only to create misery in your mind; your heart now longing to be standing in front of Chuuys once again, feeling wanted.

But he was drinking.

It could have been nothing.

This is your fault, Dazai.

Before turning to leave, Atsushi gives you a long look of wonder on edge and concern, something in him begging to speak up as Akutagawa uses his Rashomon to hold you back without warning, wrapping the ability-induced cloth to stop you from moving or even taking a single step. Subconsciously pleading Atsushi to listen or to stay for a few moments longer, your eyes only follow as he disappears without another word towards you, a small sensation of loss in your heart at seeing him leave as well. Furthermore, you hadn't noticed until Atsushi left, but your jaw and fists were clenched, your whole stance ready to run after them, ready to start the fight even if it killed you instead, your throat holding back the yells. You wanted to react to your anger, but you can't. You aren't allowed to.

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