9: Melodies

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"I can't. Dazai, I can't watch anymore."

Body shaking, tears roll down your face as you watch the sea of bodies laying stone cold on the ground, the red moon making the blood below look darker, deeper. Your hand is stretched out as one of the few last men standing succumbs all control to your ability without a choice, his body quivering and already bruised, his arm broken and hanging uncomfortably.

"Don't be weak now, [f/n]. You've done so well already...finish him off, and take in every detail of it. It's the only way you'll learn." Dazai says softly, standing next to you, his one visible eye blank of any indication of regret or sympathy.

"No...they didn't deserve all of this."

"They did. They defied the Port Mafia, and their life was meaningless anyways. Death is just another part of living."

"It's horrible. Some of them were innocent...I've destroyed them." You whisper, eyes widening as you feel cold metal suddenly pressed against your temple, fear rushing through you.

"Kill him, or you'll join them too. There is no room for such weakness in the Port Mafia. Don't make me regret taking care of you the last 3 years." Dazai demands, holding one of his guns to you, eyes not even focused on your trembling self but on the man you refused to kill.

"Death is just another of living." You echo his earlier words, your crying silent now, your heart numbing as you run out of tears.

"Don't test me."


You hear Dazai begin to prepare to pull the trigger, and as soon as you feel his finger pulling, your hand stretched out automatically clenches together, crunching all the bones of the man that had been under your power and immediately killing him. Blood drips out the dead body the same moment Dazai lowers the gun from your head, putting it away and suddenly taking your wrist and pulling you in to an embrace, one of his bandages hands stroking your hair and head meaning to calm you down.

"Good Girl. I knew you wouldn't let me down."

In that moment, under the moonlight, you and Dazai stand almost perfectly still in front of the massacre you had pulled, the body's laying like stones in their blanket of red overtop the tainted grass, trees moving to the cool breeze of the dark night, no one else but the two of you present. You don't push Dazai away when he hugs you, but instead welcome it, the warmth of a hug being something you didn't know yourself you craved, his two words stuck on a loop in your head:

'Good Girl'

To you, it means you are in the right even when it hurts your very soul to act in such vile ways; to you, it means as long as Dazai is there, there will be someone to rely on...even if he was willing to kill you for the good of the Port Mafia, at least he is there. These horrors are all you have to call home.

"I told you, when you're with me your power is unquestionable. Next time, don't hesitate."


You stand in your room with your hand hovering over top of your wall of names, you finger tracing over the letters containing violent memories that no longer made you feel the same sorrow you felt when they were first written, each name collecting dust now. You stand in silence, dressed in an simple yet elegant evening dress given to you by Kouyou earlier after she realized you wouldn't have for the celebration of victory you are currently late to. The dress reaches below your knees, the colour a deep maroon, the dress a band collar dress with no sleeves. For shoes you have black flats on, a black ribbon to match tying the front of your hair back to show your face better. When you saw yourself in the mirror, you had been pleasantly surprised by the outfit, but as you admired it, you caught site of the scar left on your shoulder by Akutagawa. When your hand traced over the new imperfection on your skin, you couldn't help remember the scars left by you and Dazai on others.

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