24: Collision

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If it hadn't been for the sudden mission you were called for, you would have stayed in the shadows of your room and building floor all day. After Chuuya had left last night, you were left unsatisfied, your heart still racing and your skin tingling from his kisses though you know you were right to stop everything and send him away in the end. Laying in your bed, you had tossed and turned all night, the moments where you would close your eyes being interrupted by flashes of his touch and tight grip around you making it that much harder to sleep. Nevertheless, it wasn't that that made you decide you wanted to stay out of sight, but it was what you saw in the mirror once you did wake up from the sleep you were able to get.

In the midst of changing, your eyes had landed on your reflection; your cuts from Akutagawa were healing and even the bruise around your neck was looking a lot better, faded. You were pleased, until you saw a different mark a little lower than your healing wound. Squinting at the mirror, you placed a hand on it, not understanding what it was until the memory of you against the wall and Chuuya trailing his kisses downwards plays in your mind, your face growing hot and your hands covering your mouth in horror as you realized what it was.

A hickey.

In a panic, you had searched through all your clothes for a turtleneck, and though you found one that was a bit on the looser side on you, you felt nothing but fear at having someone in the Port Mafia catch that on you. Out of respect for the executive that had given it to you, your small amount of loyalty would not allow you to damage the reputation he holds, whether it would mean anything to anyone or not, so you could only imagine what stupidities you'd have to say.

Of course, your imagination didn't get to run wild for long because, as stated, after changing and attempting to fix yourself up, you got a text from none other than Chuuya informing you about a mission he needed you to take. In the text, he continued to inform you about what was at stake, describing a group that was trying to money launder against the Port Mafia and steal some of the underground businesses belonging to Mori. As you continued reading, you had hoped that Chuuya would have said something about the other night, but instead, when you reached the end of the message your hope had been completely burned down with the few words that you wouldn't be carrying out this mission with Chuuya, but with Akutagawa instead.

Mortified but bound by the fact that apparently it had been requested specifically by the boss that it had to be you two, you then walked out of your room with your long coat zipped to its highest point to assure that you wouldn't have to deal with any unnecessary stares and made your way down to the lobby, where Akutagawa is waiting for you, hands in his pockets with the same expression of distaste on his face he usually carries around you as soon as he sees you.

"If you're going to ask why you're with me and not Chuuya, I'll tell you right now that his power was needed elsewhere and this mission is meant to be quick in the removal of those being a nuisance to the Port Mafia." Akutagawa says curtly as soon as you reach him, turning away and expecting you to follow as he takes you through a back door you had never used out of the headquarters building, tall alleyways made out of walls of concrete greeting you and leading to a less exposed road of the city perfect to walk around unnoticed and unbothered.

He seems calmer than usual...but...

While walking, other than your thoughts straying away from the present and lingering on what happened between you and Chuuya after Akutagawa had immediately assumed you were going to ask about him, the silence between you and Akutagawa is unbearable in the way that it would be unbearable to stand next to death itself without being overcome with discomfort and fear, your whole body tense and advising you to run away. You try not to show it, walking behind Akutagawa to hide yourself from being in his line of sight for too long, but after a few minutes, he glances back at you in question and you are forced to properly keep up as he breaks the ice.

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