nine // roast chicken*

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iammichael: Rory what's happened??

iammichael: Rory what has happened??

iammichael: seriously I'm shitting my pants here

rorytheracingcar: how do u cook a roast chicken?

iammichael: are u shitting me

iammichael: I thought you were dying

rorytheracingcar: I'm trying to make dinner for Ty but idk how to

rorytheracingcar: why can't chickens be already roasted?

iammichael: hold up a second ok

iammichael: I thought you were dying or something

iammichael: so I left a party in case u wanted me to pick u up

iammichael: but no ur making dinner for your boyfriend

iammichael: ((who seems like a total dickhead btw))

rorytheracingcar: you can't say that you don't know him

rorytheracingcar: he's a good guy, he just has a few problems

rorytheracingcar: he's only human

iammichael: I swear to god if he hurts you I will come and find him

iammichael: and cut his left nut off with some garden sheers

rorytheracingcar: I doubt that but okay Gordon you do that

iammichael: just be careful okay? I care about you Ana..


Rory stared at the half cooked chicken that sat on the kitchen counter, she tried to cook it, she stuffed it with all the herbs and weird stuff that her mom used to when she cooked a chicken; but nothing made the slimy white lump look appealing.

Rory tried to be the best girlfriend she could. She cooked for Tyler, she massaged his neck after a long day of working at a local bed and breakfast, she even washed his dirty clothes but for some reason, it wasn't good enough to Tyler. He didn't like the fact that her best friend was a guy or that she had dyed hair or the fact that she wouldn't have sex with him.

Rory gave up with the chicken and went into the lounge of the apartment she shared with her best friend; it was a cozy apartment, it felt like a home instead of a house, thousands of cheerful memories were made in the apartment and Rory was certain that thousands more would be made.

Rory sat herself on the couch and looked at her phone, an unopened snapchat from Michael waiting for her.

iammichael: I dyed my hair again, tell me I'm cute, do I look cute?

Rory giggled to herself at the picture of Michael with his newly dyed green hair, his eyes screwed shut and a small smile on his lips, he looked adorable. Just as Rory went to reply, a fist collided with her front door, the loud boom echoing throughout the apartment. Rory flew up from the couch and shuffled over to the front door. She opened it ever so slightly and was greeted by a drunk Tyler.

"Rory!" Tyler cheered, shoving the front door, making Rory stumble backwards as Tyler barged through. "Ty, are you drunk?" Rory asked, closing the front door and turning to face Tyler, his body swaying as he grinned like a child in a sweet store. "Yes, yes I am and I feel fucking great!" He cheered again, making Rory flinch at the volume of his voice.

Tyler threw himself over the back of the couch and into the pillows, his body sinking into them.
"Did you make me food?" He yelled, kicking his shoes off and unbuttoning his pants, sighing in relief as the button popped open. Rory strolled into the kitchen and grabbed a plate of salad she made.

"I tried to make a roast chicken, but it went wrong so I made salad, if that's okay?" Rory smiled as she went back into the lounge and crouched in front of Tyler. Tyler lulled his head to face Rory and grimaced at the plate of food in her hands.

"You're so useless." Tyler laughed, knocking the plate out of Rory's hand and standing up in the process. He towered over Rory's small frame and glared down at her.
"I can make something else?" Rory suggested, keeping her eyes trained on her feet. Tyler groaned and shoved Rory by her shoulders, her body tumbling to the floor as Tyler stood above her. "Go do something useful Rory," Tyler spat, kicking her side as he towered over her.

Rory yelped in agony as Tyler carried on kicking her. The kicking and harsh words didn't cease, Tyler kicked and screamed at Rory as she sobbed and screwed her eyes shut, broken apologies leaving her mouth as Tyler bruised her skin.

Rory wasn't sure how long Tyler was kicking her for, she eventually stopped apologising and laid motionless as Tyler carried on his assault. Her tears continued as the kicks grew harder and more frequent.

"Tyler, I'm sorry." Rory sobbed, her body trembling as Tyler stopped his assault for a moment. He looked down at his girlfriend, her purple hair splayed behind her head, her green eyes bloodshot and her cheeks flushed red with tears. Tyler shook his head, "If you didn't mess up, I wouldn't have to do this baby," Tyler sighed.

"You know I love you more than anything; but you bring this upon yourself." Tyler sighed again, reaching down and pulling Rory up by her shirt. Rory shook her head and hiccuped as more tears ran down her cheeks.

"I'm sorry Ty, I'll make this better. Please, stop." Rory pleaded, her trembling hands reaching up to cup Tyler's face. "Don't touch me," Tyler yelled, throwing Rory's body against the nearest wall. Rory sunk down to the floor and pulled her knees to her chest, holding them so tight that she would have bruises in the shape of her fingertips.

"This is your fault!" Tyler yelled once again as he paced back and forth in front of Rory. He reached down to grab Rory again but was pulled back by a pair of tanned hands.

"Who the fück do you think you are?" The owner of the hands yelled, pulling Tyler's body against the front door.

"If you come near her again, I will not hesitate to kill you. Do you understand me?" Tyler nodded with wide eyes.
"I said, do you understand me?" He yelled as Tyler nodded and squirmed desperately,

"Yes, Calum."

~ ~ ~

what even was this I apologise

btw I feel like nobody reads this bc nobody comments:-(

ily guys

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