eleven // cookies.

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Michael didn't question Calum on anything once he arrived at the dark haired boys apartment, he just handed over the hair dye and cookies, took his shoes off and turned on Calum's game console.

Calum on the other hand, was running about like a lunatic trying to ensure that Rory was comfortable and that Michael was entertained. Calum knew that Rory wouldn't be up for company and steered away from introducing the two coloured hair teenagers.

Rory stayed away from everything apart from Calum. She laid in his bed with her knees tucked into her chest, her hair sprawled across the pillows and her heart heavy. Her chest ached, her ribs ached, her whole body ached as the bruises grew in colour and pain.

Calum gently closed the door behind him as he entered his room. His heart dropped as he saw Rory's small frame curled into a ball, her knees tucked into her chest and tears rolling down her flushed cheeks. Calum shuffled over to the bed and knelt down in front of Rory; her green eyes closing shut as he stroked her hair.

"You're safe with me." Calum mumbled, his tone was sad but managed to control his voice from cracking in mid-sentence. Rory shook her head violently and turned over, sobs racked her body as she pulled the blankets over her head.

Calum pulled off his shoes and climbed onto the bed next to Rory, lying on his side so he was facing her.

"Please R, talk to me." Calum pleaded, this time, his voice cracked as an army of tears started to breakthrough the flood gates in his eyes.

"I feel so disgusting." Rory cried as Calum pried the blankets away from her body. He pulled her fragile body into his, wrapping his arms around her waist, interlocking his fingers with hers and resting his chin on the top of her head.

"Do you want some cookies?" Calum whispered after a moment of holding Rory, making sure he was careful not to knock or touch Rory's bruised skin.

After a few minutes, Rory opened her eyes and looked at Calum. The whites of her eyes scratched red, her pupils dilated and her eyelashes damp.

"Who is in the living room?" Rory whispered. Calum sighed, "Just a friend, he was coming over today, I made him buy cookies and some purple hair dye on his way over." Calum giggled, relieved to see a small smile on Rory's chapped lips.


Calum left Rory to sleep after holding her for another twenty minutes. He strolled into the living room, his large hands running over his face as he sat on the sofa next to Michael.

"How's she doing?" Michael asked, his eyes remaining trained on the TV. Calum groaned and leant onto Michael, resting his forehead on the green haired boys pale shoulder.

"Why would he do that to her? All she wanted was to make a nice dinner for him!" Calum whined. Michael paused his game and shrugged Calum off, turning his body to look at him.

"What's your roommates name?" Michael questioned, an uneasy feeling grew in his stomach, he knew Rory was cooking dinner for Tyler tonight and she hadn't replied to his snapchats.

Calum raised an eyebrow, "Why do you want to know?" Michael glared at Calum before pushing himself off of the sofa. "Her name is Rory."

~ ~ ~ ~

hi hello I'm layla, i write this trash I call a story!

if I leave a question at the end of each chapter would you guys answer??

thnx for reading homies!!

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