thirty five // good charlotte

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Two Months Later.

Moving out of Luke and Michaels apartment was hard. Michael had laid down a deposit for an apartment for himself, Rory and the baby and they had finally moved in.

Rory watched Michael as he skipped around their kitchen, his long arms waving around as he danced with himself. "Princess, come join me!" He laughed, running out the kitchen and making grabby hands at Rory.

The small girl giggled and shook her head. A pout formed on Michaels lips as the music played. "Everybody! Put up your hands say 'I don't wanna be in love, I don't wanna be in love!" Michael sang along to the Good Charlotte song as Rory rolled her eyes and stood up with Michael.

"You better not put your hands up!" Rory laughed as Michael wound his arms around her waist and swayed them back and forth. "They're not up and they never will be," Michael smiled softly, his nose scrunching as Rory stood on her tip toes to kiss it.

Rory buried her face in Michaels chest and smiled, "I like Charlotte, you know, for our little girl." Michael pulled away from Rory and grinned. "Really?" Rory giggled and nodded, "Hundred percent, Charlotte Amelia Clifford, how about that?" Michael nodded feverishly and held Rory's cheeks in his palms.

"God, I love you," He whispered, his forehead resting against Rory's, "And our baby girl." A small tears left Rory's eyes as he moved a hand down to rest upon her stomach. Michael wiped Rory's tears with the pad of his thumb before kneeling down so his face was level with her slight baby bump.

"Hey Charlotte, can I call you Charlotte or do you prefer Char? Or Charlie? You might not even be a girl!" Rory giggled and looked down at her boyfriend, her fingers gently running through his hair as he held her hips. "You're tiny right now and I'm terrified, in seven months you're going to be crying and it'll be the most beautiful sound I'll have ever heard - other than your mums laugh," Michael looked up at Rory and smiled softly, the tip of her nose pink as small tears carried on falling.

"But I'm going to love you so much, more than you'll ever know. I'm going to take you to dance class and soccer training because who knows what you'll like to do! I'll teach you guitar and no doubt your Uncle Ashton will be buying you bandanas and Uncle Luke will trying and talk us into letting you get a lip piercing, which will never happen because nobody will be piercing my baby girls lip." Michael giggled at his own words and pressed his lips against Rory's stomach.

"I can't wait to meet you, I can't wait for you to meet your mum either; she's one of the most amazing people I've ever met and she's bringing you into our world, I'm so in love with her that it hurts sometimes but, I wouldn't change anything for the world." Rory hiccuped and pulled Michael to stand up, her hands gripping the material of his shirt as she pressed her lips against his, a smile breaking out on both their faces as Michael wrapped an arm around her waist.

"You, Mr. Clifford, are a true miracle." Rory sniffed as she pulled away from Michael. The tall boy shook his head and smiled softly, "It's your birthday soon," Rory grinned as she pulled away from Michael fully and walked into the kitchen.

Michael huffed and followed Rory into the kitchen, "I know, I don't like my birthday though, I'm going to be so old." Michael whined as helped Rory onto the kitchen counter. "I'm a few months younger than you, are you calling me old?" Rory teased, swinging her legs back and forth as Michael searched through the fridge.

Michael laughed and looked over his shoulder at his girlfriend. "Rory Nirvana Watts, you are the oldest nineteen year old I have ever met, your grey hairs are unreal!" Rory pouted at Michael, "You weren't saying that when you knocked me up."

Michael stood up and walked
over to Rory. "Ana, I didn't not knock you up, I created a human being inside of you." Michael teased, his hands softly grabbing Rory's hips as she rested her head against his shoulder, "Fûcking cheese ball!" Rory smiled as Michael pressed gently kisses against her temple.

"What if the baby is a boy? What would we call him?" Rory mumbled into Michaels chest.

Michael shrugged, "Jax Daniel Clifford, how about that?" Rory looked up to Michael and smiled, "Our kid is going to be so kick ass," Michael laughed and squeezed Rory's sides gently. "That's because we're it's parents."


Rory wasn't even far into pregnancy, three months to be exact, but she was craving food like it was going out of fashion.

She rolled over in her and Michaels bed, groaning as Michael pulled the covers over to his side. "Gordon, your child is making me hungry." Rory whispered, her index finger poking at Michaels back in attempt to wake him. "Tell them to stop making you hungry then." He grumbled, pulling the covers over his head. Rory groaned and pushed herself out of the bed, reaching to pull on some sweat pants and one of Michael jumpers.

"Where are you going?" Michael yawned as Rory pulled on her shoes, "I'm going to the store to get food for the child inside of me." Rory spat, her annoyance with Michael growing as he wrapped himself back into the duvet.

"Oh no, it's fine Michael, honestly, I'll drive myself to the store, it's not like I'm pregnant or anything." Rory yelled, trying to be as quiet as possible (since Luke and Ashton had come to stay over).

"Stop yelling!" Michael groaned, reaching across the bed to turn a lamp on. "Go fûck yourself!" Rory seethed before grabbing her keys from the bedside table and leaving the room.


Rory gripped the steering wheel as she drove to the store, rain pouring onto the roads and the windscreen as she drove. "Your Dad's a dick," She mumbled as she pulled up to stop at the traffic lights, one hand on the steering wheel as the other caressed her stomach.

The lights finally turned green and as Rory pressed her foot onto the pedal, everything began to move in slow motion and then, everything went dark.

~ ~ ~


this story is getting very predictable BUT it is almost over.

there will be an epilogue and all that jazz

HOPE Y'ALL ARE OKAY and honestly all your comments make me laugh so hard ily guys.

I'm going to do a character ask soon if that's good with y'all??

QOTC: have you pre-ordered 'Sounds Good Feels Good' ???

ily guys!! stay rad and stay safe x

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