twenty two // bit eager

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"You look adorable," Michael giggled as Rory exited the bathroom. His shirt hung from Rory's body like a dress and her odd socks on display in all their mismatched glory.

"Shut up Gordon." Rory blushed, throwing her jeans at him as he walked towards her. He extended his arms to wrap around her waist but before he could wrap Rory in his tight embrace, she ran towards the main living room. Leaving Michael, on his own, outside the bathroom.

"Ana, come here, Princess please," Michael's laughter echoed throughout the apartment as he jogged into the living room. Rory sat on top of the dining table, her legs crossed and her hands placed in her lap, as Michael stood amused in front of her.

"You're really something else, aren't you?" Rory shrugged and held out her arms, signalling that she wanted to hug the boy in front of her. Michael muttered something under his breath before walking to Rory and wrapping his arms around her waist, burying his face into the crook of her neck.

"Can you show me the surprise now? Or do I have to complete an obstacle course with rabid squirrels in it to get it?" Rory asked as Michael's hot breath tickled her neck. A loud laugh shook through her body, Michael's laughter sending vibrations through her. Michael pulled away from the embrace and shook his head, reaching his hand out for Rory to balance herself as she climbed off the table.

Michael tugged Rory down the hallway, his steps larger than hers, making it difficult for her to keep up with his abnormally large strides. As they reached the door of Michael's room, he stopped and turned to look at Rory. Michael held her hips and pushed her against the wall, his lips ghosting over hers.

"I've never done this before, okay, so don't laugh if it's terrible." Michael breathed as he grazed his thumbs over Rory's blushing cheekbones. Rory nodded and kissed Michael so softly that she could barely taste the last cigarette he had.

As Michael pushed the door open, a small beam of light shot through the door. Michael pulled Rory further in, placing her body in front of his, winding his arms around her waist from behind and resting his chin on her shoulder.

"Do you like it?" He whispered, the various fairy lights showing the pairs shadows on the floor of room. Rory nodded and turned around in his arms,

"You, Michael Gordon Clifford, are the biggest sap, I've ever met." Rory giggled as she wrapped her arms around his neck, pulling his lips to her own.

"Only for you Princess." Michael smiled into the kiss, gently walking the pair backwards until the back of Rory's legs hit the frame of the bed. Michael tapped his hands on Rory's thighs. Rory took this as a signal to jump, wrapping her legs around Michael's waist.

Michael held Rory close to him before throwing her body onto the bed, making her laugh uncontrollably, a small snort escaping her mouth as she laughed. Michael let out a laugh and crawled on top of Rory, parting her legs slightly so he could place his torso in between them. His arms rested on either side of Rory's head as he leant down to kiss her, his lips slowly moving against Rory's as she interlocked her fingers within his hair.

"Princess, tell me if you want to stop okay?" Michael whispered as he rested his forehead against Rory's; their breathing erratic as they attempted to get our breath back. Rory nodded her head and reconnected her lips with Michaels, her hands running down his chest and torso until she reached the hem of his shirt, lightly tugging it, letting him know that she wanted it gone.

"Bit eager, are we?" Michael smirked as he sat up to pull his shirt over his head. Rory rolled her eyes and admired his body, various tattoos on his arms and his skin snow white.

"Princess, as much as I'm enjoying this, I really just want to talk with you," Michael smiled softly as he removed himself from between Rory's legs and laid next to her.

"Okay, let's talk." Rory grinned, rolling over so she could face Michael.

"Where do we start?"


Michael's eyes adjusted to the bright light beaming into his room, the cheap curtains letting the light seep in. He looked down, a mop purple hair spread across the pillow and his chest, Rory still fast asleep as she pulled the duvet up further up her body, still leaving Michael's shoulders exposed.

Michael let out a quiet laugh and nuzzled his face into Rory's hair. He placed a soft kiss onto Rory's hair and traced the outline of the tattoo behind her ear with his index finger.

"Babe, that tickles." Rory yawned, as she pulled cuddled further into Michael's chest, the sleep still evident in her voice. Michael let out a small laugh and placed another kiss on Rory's temple, causing a blush to rise onto her cheeks.

"You're cute when you first wake up." Michael smiled as he pulled the duvet up closer to his chest, planting another kiss onto Rory's temple.

"We should get out of bed." Rory groaned as she attempted to climb out of bed. Michael shook his head lightly and pulled Rory's body back onto the bed, locking his arms around her waist and nuzzling his face into her neck.

"Michael, seriously." Rory groaned as she escaped from Michael's grasp. "Rory, seriously." Michael mocked as he stretched his arms out behind his head.

"You look so good in my clothes." Michael smirked as Rory adjusted the shirt she was wearing. She let out a small laugh and tied her hair up before strolling out of the room.

Walking into the kitchen with Michael behind her, Rory lifted herself onto the counter, making her the same height as Michael standing up.

"You're so beautiful you know that?" Michael smiled as he wrapped Rory's legs around his waist; Rory lifted her arms so they resting over his shoulders as his arms snaked around her waist.

"Do you have a concussion?" Rory laughed as Michael rested his forehead against hers, their noses millimetres apart.

"Can't I tell my girlfriend she's beautiful without being accused of having a concussion?" Michael chuckled as he played with the hem of Rory's (his) shirt. Rory pulled her head back and raised an eyebrow at him.

"Oh, you have a girlfriend..." Rory mumbled, deciding to mess with him. Michael's eyes widened as he realised what he had said.

"No! I don't have a girlfriend, I mean, I thought we were dating?" Michael stuttered as he searched for his words. Rory shook her head and let out a giggle as Michael continued to ramble.

"I didn't mean to assume that we're dating, I just thought because we kiss and you've stayed at my place, that you're kind of my girlfriend? I'm sor-" Rory cut Michael off by pressing her lips to his. She felt Michael smile into the kiss as she linked my fingers around the back of his neck.

"Sorry for rambling." Michael smiled shyly, rubbing circles onto Rory's hips with his thumbs.

"You're cute when you ramble." Rory mumbled as Michael pulled her closer to him, his grasp on her waist growing a little tighter, but a comfortable tighter.

"How about being my girlfriend then?" Michael teased as he planted a soft kiss on the tip of Rory's nose.

Rory shrugged, "I don't know, you're kind of lame," Michael's face dropped at Rory words. "Oh god, Gordon I'm joking!" Rory laughed as she kissed Michael once again.

"Seriously though Rory, will you be my girlfriend?" Michael asked, a smirk dancing on his lips. Rory nodded and kissed him once more.

"Yeah, I'll be your girlfriend, you loser."

~ ~

fluffy chapter bc I lovE Rory and Michael together ok

OKAY SO I'm going to a festival for the next few days and won't be able to update within that time SO I thought id upload this now so y'all have a new chapter for when I'm gone

QOTC: do you listen to Halsey???

ily guys!! stay rad and stay safe

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