thirty six // listen here

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Michael finally managed to fall back asleep, his mind finally resting. He let out a content sigh as he rolled over and buried his face into the pillow.

After a good forty five minutes of sleep, Michaels phone began to ring. He tiredly rubbed my eyes and grumbled.
"What the actual fuck?" As he blindly tried to grab his phone from the floor beneath the bed. He finally grabbed it and answered it, wrapping the duvet back around his tired body.

"Hello, is this Michael Clifford?" A strangers voice asked on the other end of the phone call. Michael knitted his eyebrows and looked at the time on the clock next to the bed, 3:16am.

"Yeah, I'm Michael," The stranger let out a sad sigh and began to speak.

"I'm sorry Mr. Clifford but I have a Miss Rory Watts here with me at Queen Marys Hospital, she was involved in a car collision." The voice said. Panic shot through the tall boys body, making him jump up from the bed.

"Shit, okay, I'll be there in a minute, thank you for calling." Michael stuttered shakily, tears flying rapidly down his cheeks as she manically ran around the room trying to find some clothes.

"Mike, whats happened?" Luke asked, wandering into the room, trying to grip Michaels shoulders to calm him down. Michael opened his mouth to speak, but the only thing that left his mouth was a sob.

"Fûcking hell." Luke muttered before running out the room to get Ashton.

The tanned boy came to the door with Luke, their eyes widening at Michael, his whole body trembling as his face became stained with even more tears.

"Michael, what's happened?" Ashton asked as Michael paced back and forth, his hands pulling at his hair.

"Rory," He sobbed, "Crash," His words interrupted by my wailing. "Hospital," Ashton caught onto what Michael was saying and stumbled backwards.

"No, fucking no." He cried as he bolted to his room. Michael looked down at what he was wearing, his sweat pants and t-shirt suitable enough to leave the house in.

Ashton ran back into the room, his eyes bloodshot from his crying. "Why the fück are you just standing there? She could be dead!" Michael sobbed as he pushed past Luke and Ashton, grabbing their wrists and dragging them to his car outside.

"Luke, drive, now." Ashton demanded as he helped Michael with his seat belt.

The car sped down the road and towards the hospital, skipping red lights and not stopping for anything or anyone.

The three boys ran into the hospital, their faces red from crying and their hands trembling as they approached the front desk.

"What room is Rory Watts in?" Luke asked as Ashton and Michael started pacing back and forth. The woman on the desk looked up at Luke.
"Say please." She sneered, Luke opened his mouth to retort back but Ashton beat him to it.

"Listen here bitch, my pregnant best friend could quite possibly be dying right now. So, I suggest you give us the fûcking room number before I jump over this desk and shove my foot up your ass, okay?" Ashton spat.

The woman looked back at Ashton in horror and immediately searched on the computer in front of her for the room. "Room nineteen on floor two." The woman said as a fake smile pulled on her lips. Michael bolted towards the elevators, the others running behind him.

Michael managed to sprint ahead of the others to find Rory's room. The minute he got to the ward, he was stopped by a group of doctors.

"You can't go in there son, unless you're immediate family." One doctor explained as three other doctors held me Michael place.

"Let me see her!" He bellowed as Doctors restrained his movement.
"Son, you can't go in there." The doctor said once again, trying to get his message across to Michael.

"She's pregnant with my kid, let me see her!" Michael yelled again, this time the doctors let him go and gave him a sympathetic look.

"Let him in." The doctor sighed as Michael brushed off his arms and straightened out his shirt, mumbling a "Fûcking finally," as he headed for the door to Rory's room.

Michael stormed into the hospital room and immediately stopped in his tracks. He looked ahead of him and saw Rory lying in her hospital bed, black and blue bruises covering her frail body.

Michael swallowed the lump in his throat and slowly walked over to the empty chair next to the bed. He took Rory's bruised hand into his own and gently ran his thumb over the back of it before lifting it to his lips and placing a gentle kiss to it.

"Hey, Princess." He smiled weakly at her. She looked at Michael as tears rolled down her cheeks and sobs racked her body.

"It's gone." Rory sobbed, pulling her hand out of Michael's and placing it over her mouth to muffle her sobs. Michael took no time in climbing onto the hospital bed and pulling his frail girlfriend into his arms. "What do you mean?" He asked as he kissed her temple over and over, letting her know that he was there with her.

"The baby's gone Michael, our little girl is gone." She sobbed into Michaels chest. Michael closed his eyes and held Rory tighter, never wanting to let her go as more tears escaped his own eyes.

"Don't leave me please." Rory sobbed as Michael cradled her in his arms. "Why would I leave you?" He hiccupped as more tears flew down both their cheeks.

"Because I lost our baby." She cried as she buried her face into his chest, those five words broke Michaels heart. His mind trying to think why he would ever leave her.

"I was here before the baby, and I'm definately not going anywhere now, I'm here Princess, always." Michael whispered as he stroked Rory's hair. She looked up to him, a weak smile on her lips. "Get some sleep love, I'll be here when you wake up." Michael smiled softly as he placed a kiss on Rory's lips.


"I Promise."


Rory finally fell asleep, her breathing even as she slept. But after a few hours, she began to thrash about. Michael let go of her of waist and lightly shook her shoulders.

"Princess, wake up, it's not real." He pleaded as a sob left her lips. "I can't lose you, Michael." She sobbed as he sat down next to her and pulled her body to his.

"You were with me and I was calling out for you, but you walked away and never came back. I've lost too many people all ready Michael, I can't lose you." Rory sobbed as Michael stroked her hair and rocked her back and forth.

"You won't lose me okay? I'm not going anywhere and I can promise you that." Michael smiled softly as he pressed his lips to her forehead.

"I'm going to protect you, keep you safe, make sure nobody lays a single finger on you because you're my boat and I'm your sea, we float together so delicately and I never want to lose that, If you drifted away from me, I'd drown." Rory whimpered in Michaels arms as the words left his chapped lips.

"I love you," Michael sucked in a breath and pulled Rory tighter to his chest. "I love you so much Princess, so much more."

~ ~ ~

it's all so emo

idk how I feel about this

hope y'all are ok

QOTC: do you like State Champs?

ily guys!! stay rad and stay safe x

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