nineteen // i want you

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"And where have you been then?" Calum asked blankly as he swung open the door. Rory groaned and pulled the sleeves of Michael's sweater over her hands. Michael's sweater. Calum really didn't look impressed at how Rory was dressed, her jeans covered in grass, her boots unlaced and Michael's sweater hanging on her shoulders.

"You were with Michael? Did you sleep with him?" Calum continued as Rory pushed past him, hearing the door slam behind her as Calum caught up with her.

"No. We fell asleep in a field nothing more." Rory spat. Calum cocked and eyebrow and let out a low, sarcastic laugh. "I don't want you dating him." Calum demanded, Rory rolled her eyes and ran upstairs, running into her bedroom, slamming the door behind her.

"Rory, come out here." Calum yelled as he pounded his fists on the door. Rory kicked off my boots and groaned. "No, fuck off!" Rory yelled back as Calum carried on banging on the door.

After continuously pounding on the door for twenty minutes, Calum finally gave up, stomping his way into his own room and slamming the door. "Asshole." Rory muttered as she climbed into her bed.


It'd been three weeks since Rory had seen Michael, they had been texting and relentlessly flirting but they had not seen each other since they fell asleep in the field.

Rory sat herself on the balcony of her room and looked over at the park, which sat opposite the apartment block. It was a cute little scene, the sun dancing through the gaps in the trees branches and the distant sound of children giggling and mothers gossiping echoing throughout the air.

Rory gave up on sitting on the balcony and dragged herself back through the window, closing it behind her. She changed into Michael's black sweater and pyjama shorts. Scampering into bed and pulling the sheets over herself; slowly drifting into sleep.

Tapping, soft tapping on the window broke Rory out of her slumber. Pulling herself off of the bed, she peeked through the curtains to see a figure sitting on the small balcony. Rory yanked open the window and stared at the figure.

"Hey, Ana." The figure smiled as he stepped forward. "Michael, what are you doing here?" Rory whisper-yelled in shock. She hadn't seen him in three weeks and having him suddenly turn up on her balcony at three am wasn't something she thought would happen.

"Can I come in? It's freezing." Michael asked as he rubbed his hands together. Giving into his plea, Rory helped Michael through the window, leaving him to gently close it behind him

"Michael, I mean this in the nicest possible way, but, what are you doing here? I haven't seen you in three weeks." Rory spoke softly as she sat back on the bed.

"I was on a walk and I thought 'Hey let's go see Ana, it's been a while' and here I am." Michael teased causing Rory to laugh quietly.

"You're a real charmer, aren't you Gordon?" Rory smirked as she laid flat back onto the sheets. Michael pulled off his shoes and climbed onto the bed next to Rory, his sweat pants hanging low on his hips, and his shirt riding up ever so slightly to expose the skin on his torso. "Only for you." Michael winked, causing a laugh to leave Rory's lips and a blush to rise onto her cheeks.

"You know, I don't usually climb through girls windows at three am, I usually climb out of their windows." Michael grinned, his cockiness shining through. "Real smooth, Mike." Rory laughed again, pulling the duvet over her exposed legs.

Before Rory could pull the covers up to her chin, Michael cupped her face with his hands, gently pressing his lips to hers; their lips slowly moved in sync before Michael pulled away. "I've missed you." He sighed, intertwining their fingers.

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