twenty five* // dick-weed

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Luke was pissed. He walked through the front door of his apartment to a groaning Michael and Rory running around the apartment. Luke sighed and rubbed his chin awkwardly.

"What happened?" Michael groaned, attempting to sit up on the sofa but instead Rory yelled at him for moving even though she had asked him not to.

"Well, Rory stayed here last night," Luke groaned and sat on the floor in front of the sofa. "I know that!" Luke mumbled, attempting to cross his long legs.

"Let me finish you dick-weed!" Michael shouted, smacking Luke's forehead but shortly groaning after. Luke rolled his eyes and nodded for Michael to continue.

"As I was saying, someone told Calum that Rory was here and he stormed into our apartment, screaming and hollering demanding that I leave Rory alone. He tried to make her leave but she refused then he yelled some more and beat the shît out of me, hence all the bleeding and the pain." Michael pointed to his busted lip and the dried blood that was situated between his top lip and his nose.

Luke's eyes practically bulged out of his skull as he took a proper look at Michaels face. It was bad, it was really bad.

"But since my best friend is a complete idiot and my idiot of a boyfriend cannot lift his body without screaming the house down, I have to play Nurse!" Rory whined, sitting next to Luke on the floor, handing him a beer and Michael a fresh cloth for the gash on his forehead.

"I wouldn't mind you dressing up as a sexy Nurse," Michael wiggled his eyebrows, making Luke laugh and dribble out his beer while Rory blushed.

"Wait, let's step back a few paces and reevaluate what has been said," Luke furrowed his eyebrows.

"Since when was this loser your boyfriend?" Luke asked Rory, looking down at her and pointing his thumb to Michael who was still wiggling his eyebrows. Rory shrugged and moved up to sit on the edge of the sofa next to Michael.

"This morning!" Michael cheered, reaching his fist out for Luke to fist bump. Luke shook his head and rolled his eyes, smiling with his bottom lip between his teeth as he fist bumped Michael and patted Rory's knee.

"Hey Luke?" Rory asked, taking the wet cloth from Michaels forehead and dabbing his lip with it. "Hey Rory?" Luke mocked, making Michael groan and Rory roll her eyes.

"How's the cut on your dick?" Rory smirked. Michael let out a loud string out laughter while Luke sat dumbfounded and betrayed.

"You told her? Michael, I trusted the Crisis Club!" Luke cried, hiding his blushing cheeks in his overly large palms.

"Sorry mate, but sometimes you've just got to share some things." Michael laughed, shrugging at Luke who was still blushing furiously.

"Well, maybe I should tell Rory about what happened when we were in year ten!" Luke grinned cheekily, reaching forward to flick Michaels hand. Michael shot up from the sofa with wide eyes.

"We never speak of that!" Michael yelled but groaning in pain straight after. "Idiots." Rory mumbled, climbing off of the sofa to get and get a clean cloth.

~ ~ ~

It had been a four months since Calum had stormed into the apartment and beat the living daylights out of Michael, since the last time Rory spoke to Calum, since the last time anyone apart from Ashton had heard from Calum.

The bruises that stained Michael's pale skin had faded and the gash on his forehead left a barely noticeable scar which Rory enjoyed poking when Michael irritated her.

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