001 | Prologue

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Paige Voight never understood why she wasn't like the other girls bee age, she never understood why she didn't find boys attractive or see herself falling for a boy, yeah she obsessed over boy bands and celebrities but she still never saw herself with a boy, when Paige turned 17 she went to a party, it was a New Year's party and that's when she came to the conclusion she was gay, she came to the conclusion after she made one mistake...

Getting absolutely off her face and sleeping with who she thought was her best friend Thomas Wild, Thomas was one of the guys who despite being good friends with Paige he was a right dick; he didn't take no for an answer and that even meant when he wants to sleep with someone. Paige didn't know what she was doing the night she slept with Thomas and when she was sobered up Paige was told some shocking news, her and Thomas didn't just have sex but Thomas videoed & took photos of her naked, that's when Paige saw the true Thomas Wild.

After the events Paige didn't know who to talk to, who to turn to, she knew her dad would be angry, he was protective of the 17 year old, so was her older brother Justin, even her sister Elle was protective of her, being one of younger children meant 'everyone was always their to fight your battles even if you were capable of fighting your own' thats what Paige believed but she didn't mind, sometimes she needs someone to fight for her, sometimes she wasn't strong enough to fight alone, that's why she loved her family endlessly, because they were always willing to back her up and help her fight, even when she didn't feel like fighting at all.

Breaking down in front of Trudy Platt One day Paige opened up and soon reported Thomas Wild for what he had done which resulted in her having to tell her family what happened that night

As the year went on Paige soon found out she was pregnant, fear stricken Paige started to look into her options. After finding out it was too late for an abortion Paige decided to have the baby but put it into foster care, she knew it would be the hardest decision in her life but she wasn't ready to be a mother, she wanted to have a career before children, it wasn't that she didn't want children she just knew she wasn't able to take care of one and wanted what's best for the baby.

At 8 months and 2 days pregnant Paige went into labour giving birth to a baby boy which she named Harry Conrad Voight however when he was eventually adopted by his foster parents Harry then went by Harry Conrad Stone. Paige was at peace with the idea of her son being adopted by a lovely couple, she only got to meet them because the social worker wanted to make sure she was happy before going ahead with the paperwork and she was, she knew her boy would be looked after and loved more than anything, she knew he would get everything he ever dreams off and that's all she wanted, him to be a priority.

After leaving school Paige joined the fire academy and later was assigned to firehouse 51. Although Paige was the only girl in her class at the academy, she pushed herself harder than anything, she made sure she worked hard and she put in 110% effort before passing at top of her class, she was thrilled, she knew she has made her family proud; and she did; when Paige told her family they celebrated with a meal out and Elle even had a personalised cake made; it was in the shape of a fire engine, Paige Loved it and if she was honest she thought it was truely incredible.

Fast forward to now, Paige is 24 turning 25 in a matter of days, her life is going well.. that is until someone from her past shows up and vows to make her life a living hell.

With her friends and family by her side and her eyes of a certain detective will Paige be able to stop the blast from the past of Will they actually destroy everything she's worked hard to have

Only time will tell

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