023 | My Forever

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I got to work early the next morning so I could talk to the chief before getting ready. I was going to ask to be assigned to ambo for the foreseeable as I didn't want to put myself or baby in any danger from running into burning buildings. Tomorrow the baby grow is meant to arrive which means tomorrow night I will be telling Hailey I'm pregnant and am going to be asking her to be baby's mommy fingers crossed she'll say yes.

"Stay safe out their" I said to Hailey before giving her a small kiss

"And you stay safe too, I love you" Hailey said kissing me back before the two of us went one separate ways to our own cars. I put the radio on as I pulled out of the parking lot which belonged to the apartment block and began my journey to the firehouse.on my journey to the firehouse I tried to mentally plan what I was going to say. Chief Boden has always been supportive and understanding so it shouldn't be a problem but I was still nervous.

"What do I say" I exclaimed to myself as I drove down the street, Star Girl by Mcfly playing on the car stereo and a smile formed on my face

"Hi chief" I smiled as I found him in the hall when I was on the way to his office.

"Good morning Paige. Everything okay?" Chief Boden asked and I gently bit my lip.

"Could we possibly talk for a moment?" I asked

"Come into my office" he smiled and I followed him into the office.

"So what's seems to be the problem?" Chief Boden asked

"Yesterday I took a test. A pregnancy test and turns out I'm 12 weeks pregnant. I guess I should have expected it sooner but Elle made me take a test after I told her everything. So I was kinda hoping I'd it's possible could you maybe get me assigned to ambo for the foreseeable future?" I decided to come straight out and say it.

"How do you feel about it?" Was the first thing Chief Boden said

"Good and bad. Part of me is excited because I would love to be a mom but the other part of me is freaking out, I don't want Hailey to leave me and im worried that the baby will remind me of what happened" I said

"Your always welcome to talk to me
If you ever get overwhelmed with it all" smiled Chief Boden said happily.

"Thanks Chief. Also can we keep it on the down low until the next shift. I've not told Hailey yet, and kind of want her to know before I tell anyone else just so she does think I was hiding it from her, which I kind of am but only because I've planned it all out and I'm telling her tomorrow evening" I sort of rambled on

"We don't have to tell anyone until your ready to" Boden reassured me.

"Thanks Chief" I said

"I'll tell Sylvie your with her" Boden said and I nodded. I said goodbye and made my way to the locker room to get changed.


I got home after my shift just before Hailey left for work.  I was anxious for this evening but hopeful that she'd be happy about the baby but I won't hold my breath.

"How was your shift?" Hailey asked after giving her a hug. I always missed her hugs when I was on shift but it was part of the job, I would never give up being a firefighter or paramedic, they both are the jobs I would never giver up and I would never make Hailey give up being a detective, we both know our jobs are hard but we know we can work through them together

"Fine. Busy though. I think I'm just going to crash, how was your night" I said yawning. I wasn't even faking, I was a extremely tired but I knew I just needed a couple of hours sleep.

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