005 | Stalker

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I woke up 20 minutes before my alarm the next morning and I quickly got changed into my black jeans with my 'Queen' band tee and a pair of white socks, I'd be changing into my uniform once I get to the firehouse anyway. I headed downstairs and into the kitchen where I made two coffee's knowing dad would be up soon too. I also was going to make pancakes for dad and myself. I found out the ingredients and tried to decide if i should make chocolate chip pancakes or blueberries, I have made blueberry and chocolate chip pancakes before and they were absolutely delicious but the question is.. would dad like them. I thought for a moment as I started weighing up the ingredients for the pancakes.

"Blueberry or chocolate chip?" I asked myself while I tried to decide the type of pancakes to make. After a short while I decided to make simple chocolate chip pancakes. I opened dads baking cupboard and grab the chocolate chips, as soon as I had all the ingredients and I had weighed everything up I added the chocolate chips and began mixing the batter.

"Morning Paige" I heard dads voice from behind me as I was making sure the pancake batter was made perfectly .

"Morning dad, coffee is ready and I'm making pancakes before I have to leave" I said to dad who came and gave me a look as if he was trying to ask if I was okay, which I was, at this moment in time I was fine.

"What pancakes have you decided to make?" Dad asked knowing how much I like to experiment with my pancakes, which was true I loved to try to make different types of pancake, although I don't make them often I just love to experiment with pancakes hence the reason I've made chocolate chip blueberry pancakes which I loved.

"Chocolate Chips, ideas deciding between chocolate chip, blueberry or chocolate chip blueberry pancakes but I didn't know if you'd like the chocolate chip blueberry pancakes so decided to make the ones I've made like a million times in the past" I said with a little smile.

"You know I would love any of the pancakes you make, apart from the strange ones you experimented with, those ones were awful" dad exclaimed as he remembered the coffee and apricots and raspberry pancakes I made, the coffee pancakes were the worst, I wanted to experiment and I used coffee extract with black food colouring, let's just say they were awful. As for the apricots and raspberry pancakes... Well they were even worse than the coffee ones and that's saying something.

"Yeah I'm never trying coffee or apricots and raspberry pancakes ever again, they were terrible" I said cringing at my failed attempts at the experiment experimented pancakes.

"Maybe if you tried with less coffee for the coffee ones or maybe make it coffee and peppermint?" Dad suggested, I wasn't too sure. It was a good idea but after the taste of the coffee ones last time I was kind of our off from actually attempting coffee pancakes again.

"Thats not that bad of an idea. I could test them out on the firehouse, Joe and Tony liked the original coffee pancakes but everyone else agreed with me when they turned out awful.

"If you like them then I'm expecting you to bring me one" dad smirked as he joked with me but I would definitely take dad one to try

"Of course I'd bring you one to try, I always do" I smiled as I began to cook the pancakes


I got to the firehouse early, not too early but I was still early. When I left dad's I was being watched, I saw that someone was watching me and that person seemed to follow me as I drove to the firehouse. I rolled my eyes as I climbed out of my car, I went to my trunk and grabbed my duffel bag and slipped it onto my shoulder as I headed up the drive way into the firehouse, first shift were scattered around the firehouse, but mostly they were getting ready to leave seeing as it was almost 8am, I made my way to the locker room and went straight to my locker and sat on the bench that was down the middle of the lockers. After a moment I opened my locker again and grabbed my uniform before heading to the bathroom to change and to actually use the toilet. Once I was back I shoved my clothes into my locker and pulled on my hoodie shoving my phone into my pocket.

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