017 | Together

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I've been back to work for 6 shifts officially, today that is and today should be my last day in ambulance, I'll be able to be back to running into burning buildings, helping save people from car wreckages and just being a firefighter again, I loved being a paramedic but being a firefighter was where my heart really was.. Hailey and I are still going strong and I think we will tell people soon, we've proved time and time again that we have each other's backs, that we love one another more than anything.

David and Jamie have had Luna move in with them and we had a evening round theirs. Hailey and I made a little gift basket for the young girl and she loved it, especially the puppy stuffed animal we got for her, we didn't give her that until yesterday because we hadn't know. What she liked and we wanted to include things that we know she would love.

"Thank you for driving me to work today" I smiled to Hailey as we headed down to our cars, mine had broken down and I'd arranged mechanic to come and look at it tomorrow once I get home from shift

"I'd drive you anywhere; you know that Paige" Hailey said while unlocking the car, the two of us got into the car.

"I would also drive you anywhere; as long as my car is working that is" I said making Hailey laugh.

"Well you could try and drive me somewhere with your car as it is but I don't think we could get anywhere" Hailey responded which made me laugh

"I could stick you in a basket on a bike and take you places" I said with a serious face, or as serious as I can do face which wasn't actually that serious but hey I'm trying alright.

"You'd crash if you can't see where your going" Hailey points out.

"I wouldn't crash if i put you the basket on the back of the bike" I said in a tone that was meant to say that it was obvious,

"Oh silly me I should have known that would be your response" Hailey laughed causing me to playfully stick my tongue out like a child

"I hate you Upton, you know that right" I grinned playfully as I joked with my girlfriend.

"I hate you too Voight" Hailey joked back.

"Glad we're both on the same page" I grinned. It was nice that we both knew we were joking and didn't get offended when we joked around with each other.

"We always are" Hailey quickly leant across to me and kissed my cheek, it was safe to do so since we were at a red traffic light.

"I think tomorrow at Mollys we should tell people about us. We've proved time and time again that we have each others back and we will still have each other's backs when people know about us, what do you think?" I asked Hailey, I don't think I've ever seen Hailey smile as wide as she was right now.

"That sounds perfect to me." Hailey said and I was genuinely happy as I watched Hailey smile as she drove.

"We won't have to worry who sees us kissing" I grinned happily, I mean who wouldn't if they would get to kiss their partner whenever and where ever they want to.

"Oh I can't wait to get to kiss you and let everyone know that you are taken" Hailey said happily

"Taken by the sexy Detective I've admired since my older sister introduced us" I said biting my lower lip gently.

"I love you Paige, I would shout it from the roof tops if I had to. I would choose you any day of the week because you and I, we work; we work and we will always work" Hailey said as we pulled up outside firehouse 51.

"I love you too Hailey, forever and always. It'll be us together. No matter what we will be together. I promise you that Hailey. I promise I will always love you" I said glancing out of the window to make sure nobody was going to see us. I leant across the middle of the car and locked lips with Hailey, in that moment I didn't care if anyone saw us because Hailey was and is my everything so who cares if I kiss her.

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