011 | Life Sucks

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Third Person

It had been three days, twelve hours and 42 minutes since Thomas kidnapped Paige and slowly her body was giving up. Paige had officially lost hope that her father would find her, she didn't believe she would be found alive at least. Thomas had beaten her black and blue, if Paige was honest she just wanted to let her body give up, she was in so much pain, it hurt her to breath and every time Thomas came back he made it worse.

Intelligence had been working day and night in order to find Paige, they followed all the leads they could, the black van which Thomas rented got them only slightly closer to finding Paige but since he rented it under a fake name it made things harder. Hank took half an hour off to go to Camille and Justin's graves, although he would never admit it he felt like he was letting Camille down, if she was alive she would probably tell him to stop being stupid and that it's not his fault that Thomas had taken Paige from right outside the firehouse.

Hank got a call from Elle saying they had a lead to the house which Thomas had on the woods, or forest. So he got his eldest daughter to send the location to him and he would meet them their. Usually you wouldn't be allowed to work on a case involving family but Hank and Elle was having none of it, Paige needed them more than some random detective who won't even know her and what she's been through.

Before leaving the 21st Elle asked Trudy to make sure Olivia and Ethan didn't leave, she didn't want them to be taken by Thomas and they were stubborn, they would leave if they were bored of no one was their to make sure they stayed. Trudy said she would make sure they didn't leave and that they were okay which Olivia wasn't but she wasn't going to tell anyone when her older sister was still missing, that was the reason she wasn't okay, she was worried about Paige, she was worried she wouldn't get to see her sister alive again, all the bad thoughts were rushing through Olivia's head as Ethan hugged her and tried to reassure her that Paige would be fine, that Paige is a fighter and that she would be found alive. As Elle got onto the highway she began to worry's worry that Paige isn't at the location.

"If Paige is not their... I don't know where she could be" Elle exclaimed as she drove with Jay in the car to the location of Thomas's house.

"We will find her Elle! You've got to remember that" Jay reminded his wife, Elle let out a small sigh, she knew nobody would give up until Paige is found and Thomas is behind bars but she could still be worried; couldn't she.


After the drive to the house location in the woods everyone gathered around Hank to know the plan. Their was a car round the side of the house which they knew to be Thomas's after they quietly phoned Trudy to ask her to run the plates as she was with Olivia and Ethan.

"Elle, Jay, Hailey, Adam round the back" Hank began telling everyone their positions.

"Kim, Adam, Kevin with me round front" be finished telling everyone and quickly the whole team got into place. Once everyone was in place Hank quietly radioed to go in. Compleatly unaware that intelligence had entered the house Thomas was in the bathroom while Paige was falling in and out of consciousness. Her breathing was becoming shallow and she wasn't sure how much longer she could hold out, she was feeling dizzy, sick and was in so much pain.

"PAIGE!" Hailey exclaimed when she saw the 25 year old tied to the bed,

"I've found Paige" hailey quickly radioed before then radioing for ambulance as soon as possible. It wasn't safe to move Paige in her condition. Elle and Hank ran to where Hailey had found Paige, Elle found it hard to see her sister the way she was.

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