022 | Well This Is Happening

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Third Person's

It had officially been 3 months since the whole thing with Thomas, Paige had been trying so hard not to think about it all; she's continued with her therapy sessions with Dr Charles and they had been helping her with it all but what it's not helping her with is her Periods or lack of. It had been 3 months since her last period and Paige had finally decided to go and talk to her sister Elle because she wasn't at work for the day and she didn't want to scare Hailey away not when they had only just moved in with her less than a week ago.

Paige wasn't due back to work until the next day so what we Elle suggested had to be done during the day today, she didn't want to take a shift off but she did want to talk to Chief Boden first thing if she did end up to be pregnant. Mentally Paige was preparing herself for both situations, if she was pregnant she had to tell hailey as soon as possible and if she wasn't pregnant then that's fine too, she would have to tell Hailey she thought she was pregnant so either way Hailey would know Paige was worried that she was pregnant but also she would know if she is pregnant..

Paige was the first one to wake up and the first thing she did was head to the bathroom and throw up, seeing as she didn't eat anything the previous evening it was just bile which just made her feel even sicker yet she just couldn't be sick. Quickly Paige brushed her teeth so whatever she ate or drink didn't taste of sick which is not appertaining at all. Paige headed into the kitchen and got herself a glass of water after she had brushed her teeth and took a sip out of the water before placing it down on the side while she put a slice of bread in the toaster to make herself some toast to see if that helps her, she did think she might be feeling sick because she's hungry but she highly doubted that seeing as mostly every morning and most days she had been feeling sick so she kind of thought she was pregnant.

Paige's POV

"What do you have planned for today?" Hailey asked me as I sat on the sofa eating a slice of buttered toast, I wasn't feeling too hungry infact I was feeling really sick so I hoped the toast would settle my stomach.

"Just going to see Elle and spend the day with her, I don't think I have any other plans" I shrugged taking another bite of my toast it was kind of helping me feel less sick so that was a good thing.

"Do you want me to pick up dinner on the way home tonight?" Hailey asked making herself a coffee in her travel cup.

"Sure, what do you have in mind?" I asked Hailey, I wasn't bothered what we have, anything seemed fine with me.

"Well I could get McDonald's, KFC, Pizza or Chinese food. Do you have a preference on what we have?" Hailey asked as I watched her stir her coffee

"Maybe KFC but honestly it's all good whatever we have" I smiled from the sofa.

"If you want that then that's what we'll get" Hailey nodded.

"Okay" I answered before I finished my toast and got up from the sofa.

"I love you Hailey" I said sliding my arms around my girlfriend and rested my head on her shoulder. She had to leave for work so I was just saying goodbye

"I love you too Paige" Hailey said as she gently ran her hand through my hair as I continued to hug Hailey. Eventually I pulled away from Hailey and gently kissed her. The two of us finally said our goodbyes before Hailey left for work and I decided to go have a shower before I head to Jay and Elle's. Elle wasn't expecting me until 10:30am so I still had 2 and abit hours until Elle would be expecting me. I stripped off out of my pyjamas and threw them into the laundry basket before I was double over in the toilet where I was sick. I washed my mouth out with my mint mouthwash before finally turning the shower on and climbing into the shower and began getting ready for the day.

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