020 | Your Perfect

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Your hand fits in mine like it's made just for me
But bear this mind, it was meant to be

A week had passed and and life is hectic but it is also great, Dr Charles has been amazing, he's got me booked in once a week just to make sure the antidepressant and anti anxiety medication is working and make sure the dose's are correct but once that is all sorted we will talk about reducing the sessions to maybe once a fortnight and then once a month. I told Dad, Elle, Olivia and practically everyone who needed to know about my situation. I've loved being back on truck and it's good to feel happy or as happy as I can be, it's been a little over 2 months since everything happened with Thomas and I've still not started my period, I should have came on way before now but I guess I just do want to know if it's because I'm pregnant or it's just all the stress I've been under. I've decided that if I still haven't gotten my period in the next 3 and a half weeks I'll go to Elle, she'll definitely make me do a pregnancy test but then it's better than me being alone.

I was terrified of the fact I could be pregnant and worried it would change things between Hailey and I; I mean of course it'll change things between the two of us, I wouldn't blame her if she left me if it did turn out I was pregnant. She didn't sign up for me being pregnant, she understood I had trauma and that was fine because she has trauma too and like she told me, the two of us can help and support each other but a pregnancy will change everything and I don't think I'm ready for that. But anyway I don't need to think about that, I would surely know if I was pregnant; I mean yes I've been sick like 5 mornings out of 7 the last week but didn't think it was anything to think about

And I'm joining up the dots, with the freckles on your cheeks
And it all makes sense to me

Today Hailey and I were having a lazy day, I got off shift about an hour ago and Hailey isn't back to work until my next shift so we technically have two full days together.

"Fancy making some cakes? I may need to pop to the store to get some stuff for it but it's the one thing we haven't done together yet and I do love to bake" I grinned.

"Baking sounds like fun, we can bake today and tomorrow lounge around all day long" Hailey nodded, she also had a smile on her face. Everything about her was perfect and her smile never failed to brighten my day.

"Well let's get dressed then we can go and get pancakes and then to the store for ingredients for the baking session we're gunna have" I grinned happily. I was going to buy us pancakes for breakfast as we haven't had anything just yet.

"Pancakes? Nobody said anything about pancakes" Hailey pointed out making me giggle.

"That's not technically true because I just did" I giggled happily

"And who said I'd want pancakes?" Hailey asked with a smirk

"Well if I'm honest I would much prefer to have you but we need things for our baking" I said smirking.

"We could do both, come on beautiful let's have some fun" hailey practically flirted with me making me laugh a little, I grinned and practically dragging my girlfriend into my bedroom, the two of us began kissing with hailey beginning to plant gentle kisses up and down my neck which sent a tingle down my spine, the whole room felt like it was heating up but it wasn't in a bad way.

I know you've never loved
The crinkles by your eyes when you smile
You've never loved your stomach or your thighs
The dimples in your back at the bottom of your spine
But I'll love them endlessly

Little Things | Hailey Upton (Book One)Where stories live. Discover now