024 | We'll Get Through This

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After telling Hailey I was pregnant a few days ago things had been going really well. I told David and Jamie that I was pregnant and they were really happy for me, they were worried I wasn't happy but after a hour of me trying to reassure them I was fine they eventually believed me. I also told Luna but I don't think she really understood what was going on but o wanted her to be involved in the baby's life especially with David and Jamie going to be godfathers, I mean I haven't asked them yet but I'm sure they will both say yes

Before my shift the day after i told David and Jamie I popped by to see dad and Olivia to tell them that I'm pregnant. Dad was angry but about what Thomas had done and how I ended up pregnant but after I had reassured him that I was happy, I had came to terms with it rather quickly and I wanted to make it work, I told him that I knew it was going to be hard, that I would probably struggle but I have Hailey and she will help me, in the end dad said he would help me through it too.

Olivia was also really excited when I said she would be an auntie for real this time I wasn't giving this baby up for adoption so both Elle and Olivia get to be real aunties, of course Harry is their nephew but this time they will actually be in the baby's life. Dad was going to be a real grandad too which I could tell he was happy about. At the time I wasn't sure how I was going to tell everyone else that I was pregnant but I did know I wanted to tell Sylvie first since she was my best friend and Maria and that's what I did, I phoned Maria on the way to the firehouse and had her on speaker, she was excited and on the way to our first patient I had told Hailey.

Then after the shift I went round to the Herrmann house hold to talk to Christopher and Cindy. I told the two of them that I was pregnant and at the same time although it was still 7 months away I had debated asking them both if they would be godparents. I was having 3 godfathers and 3 god mothers. Sylvie, Maria and Cindy were the three I wanted as godmothers and David, Jamie and Christopher as godfathers. I know your only really meant to have two of each but the six of them have always been by my side especially through this journey so far I know they would all be incredible influences on the baby and that's what I need, that's what the baby needs.

And now we are up to date. Everyone now knows I'm pregnant and it's been okay I guess. Ive been making sure To take breaks when and where I need to and I now have a small baby bump. I don't really much about being pregnant with Harry, I think it was more of a blur that time but I love being pregnant. I do hate morning sickness but if I do take the anti-sickness medication it's not that bad.


I got to the firehouse and practically ran into the bathroom and threw myself into a cubical not having any time to lock the door as I immediately throw up my breakfast, I hadn't forgotten my anti-sickness medicine this morning, well I don't think I forgot it.

"Are you okay?" I heard Herrmann say behind me.

"I'm fine. I think it's morning sickness. I must have forgotten my anti-sickness medication this morning but I don't remember" I admitted before throwing up again, Herrmann held my hair back as I continued to have my head over the toilet bowl.

"Cindy had bad morning sickness with one of ours, every now and then the medication her OB prescribed would not kick in for a couple hours" Christopher said gently rubbing my back.

"I hate being sick" I mumbled, Christopher continued to rub my back gently

"I don't think anyone real lot enjoys being sick" he said back to me. I stood up and wiped my mouth with some toilet paper and turned around.

"Thank you for holding my hair back" I said to Herrmann who smiled and let me out to wash my mouth.

"I saw you run in here and knew you wouldn't want to have sick in your hair." Christopher smiled to me while I washed my mouth out.

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