008 | The Girls Weekend

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It was soon Friday and Maria had called telling me her limo... yes that's what I said HER LIMO to pick me up at 10am, she's told her limo driver to take me to her place and we'd be going out for a meal and having the night in, then tomorrow we were going to the Vine and having a night out, Sunday I don't know what the plan is but whatever it is  I'm going to make the most of it because I don't know when I'll get to see her again which is not the best thing ever but I still talk almost every day when we both aren't busy that is.

The last week has been okay I guess, we were on shift on Sunday and it was kind of a slow one, even for ambo which was strange but it was nice to have a slow shift, I have to admit though I did have an accident. It was the morning and I was grabbing a shower before shift actually started because of my hot water still not being fixed. I had also phoned dad to ask for his help sorting it out seeing as my landlord didn't seem to want to sort it out. Anyway I was getting bf out of the shower and slipped, let's just say I got a bruised bottom and it hurt like hell but at least I didn't have any broken bones.

Wednesday's shift was a busier one, Elle almost got shot but the bullet missed her by like a millimetre, that was on a call where their was an active shooter Ambo, Truck, Squad and engine were all on the scene. Sylvie and I were helping a paitent who had been shot, their was a fire in a house next door, we weren't aware that the shooter was still in the house and both Sylvie and I almost got shot too. If it wasn't for intelligence, mostly Hailey, Elle, Jay and Adam then I think we'd be dead now.

Then after last shift, yesterday to be exact I offered to help out at Molly's and then Hailey, Kim, Elle, Sylvie, Stella and myself had a few drinks together and i went home pretty early because I had to get ready for the weekend i had to pack a bag otherwise I'd be walking around in my underwear and I don't fancy that happening. I decided to empty my duffel bag which normally holds my things for work and added underwear, changes of clothes and just a few other things before practically dumping it by the front door before I fell asleep last night.

I woke up at 7:30am which gave me 2 and a half hours to get ready for the limo. I'd always dreamt of riding in a limo so this was exciting. Sylvie and I had been texting for half an hour while I was getting dressed and it was nice. A sense of normality because we would normally text each other while we got ready in the mornings, it's kind of like a tradition we have, I know it's probably a weird one but it's nice.

Have a good weekend with Maria. See you Tuesday x

My phone pinged once more when Sylvie had left me one last text message. It made me smile as I read it.

Thank you Sylvie, will miss working with you tomorrow, have a good shift x

I quickly replied before leaving my phone on the side while I got myself an apple from the fridge and got a knife from the draws to cut my apple up, it's the only way I actually like eating apples.


At just before 10am Maria texted me saying that the limo was outside so I grabbed my bag, my phone and my keys and left my apartment making sure the door was secure before I headed down the stairs. I left the building and saw the black limo parked at the side of the road, I felt like I was dreaming. However the dreaming feeling was soon ruined by Thomas smirking as he stood on the opposite side of the road, I rolled my eyes and pushed him out of my mind as I approached the limo driver.

"Miss. Voight" the limo driver asked.

"Please call me Paige." I answered not wanting this to feel formal, I know the driver worked for Maria but she probably is the same as me, she probably asks him to call her Maria

"Okay, Paige. Pleasure to meet you, I'm Knox Williamson, Maria McKinnon's driver. She asked me to take good care of you. Oh and please call me Knox" Knox said smiling,

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