025 | Unconditionally

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It had been been two weeks since the scare. I was terrified since then but after Lisa confirmed that everything was fine I relaxed a little, especially after the check up with Lisa. My morning sickness has became a lot better, I wasn't sick as much now, some foods make me sick so I try to avoid them. My cravings are currently barbecue flavoured chicken, strawberries and sweet tea, it has to be really sweet which if you know me I never normally have sweet tea.

Baby Voight is currently the size of an Avocado since 16 weeks pregnant. Hailey has been reading books to the bump and the pair of us have been calling the baby marshmallow, don't ask why; it just stuck after I started calling it that. I haven't felt my little marshmallow move yet but Hailey and I looked it up a few days ago and we found lot that some pregnant mothers don't feel the baby move until 20 to 22 weeks.

I have surprised Hailey with a weekend away. We're going to Maria's beachside villa Montrose Beach, Maria has stocked the place up and even made sure she had stocked up with non-alcoholic Champagne too, I've got a promice ring to give to Hailey while we are away this weekend and Maria thought of the idea of having champagne, I don't know why though.

"Ready to set of?" I asked Hailey as I left our bedroom making sure the ring was in my bag.

"I was ready hours ago Paige" Hailey laughed and I grinned, I knew she was joking seeing as neither of us were ready to leave a hour ago. We were only had a 18 minute drive if theirs no traffics but we were setting off rather early so we could make the most of our weekend.

"Your going to love Maria's Villa, it's so homely even how big it is, she has two hot tubs, one outside on a balcony and one in the basement which she had changed into a mini home spa. Theirs a pool outside and a balcony upstairs. I've disappeared a few times and have spent it at her villa" I smiled happily while thinking about Maria's villa, she gave me a set of keys after she brought it.

"It's so nice of her to let us have it for the weekend." Hailey exclaimed happily and I nodded in agreement.


We got to Maria's villa at around 1pm and immediately unpacked. I left the ring in my bag so Hailey wouldn't find it and put the bag in the closet

"This place is so long, I think I'll get lost" Hailey exclaimed coming into the bedroom with a grin on her face which made me laugh.

"Trust me I thought I'd get lost but I got used to it, I found my way around" I laughed lightly.

"And I thought maybe we could maybe have some fun in the hot tub then we could head to the Mexican place down the street. They do the best grilled chicken tacos" I exclaimed happily. I loved the tacos from the place here and that's saying something coming from me, I don't normally like tacos.

"You don't normally eat tacos. What makes these so special?" Hailey asked.

"They add this special seasoning to their tacos, i have no idea what the seasoning is, nobody knows but they are delicious" i said feeling my mouth water as I smiled happily running a hand through my hair.

"I guess if it's good enough for you to eat then I will have to give it a shot" Hailey said and I nodded.

"Yay! Now let's go and have sex in the hot tub" I grinned practically grabbing Hailey's hand and dragging her through the house and to the balcony hot tip,

"Slow down!" Hailey said trying to hold in her laughter.

"I'm pregnant and I want you right now" I said biting my lip as my eyes trailed Hailey up and down. The two of us were soon naked and in the hot tub. I was relieved that nobody could see in to the garden especially the balcony. We spend what felt like a life time in the hot tub before getting ready to go out for tacos or whatever we want at the Mexican restaurant

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