016 | Life Is Crazy

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Saturday was soon here and I had planned my day with Annabelle, Max and Kenny, three of the five Herrmann children. I've decided to take them to the zoo, then a picnics in the park and if they are both good then I'll buy them some sweets or ice cream but knowing me I'll probably get them both.

"Morning my love" I smiled to Hailey as I headed into the kitchen of the apartment, we were back in my apartment after spending two days at Hailey's. The pair of us have now left some clothes, a toothbrush and a few things we would need at each other's houses so we didn't need to keep going back and fourth.

"Good morning gorgeous" Hailey said coming and giving me a small kiss on the cheek

"What time do you have to be in work?" I asked Hailey while I opened the fridge and grabbed a carton of orange juice.

"10, what time are you picking Max, Kenny and Annabelle?" Hailey asked as I poured my drink.

"10, how about we go out for breakfast and I drop you off at the 21st?" I asked Hailey before bringing the glass of orange juice to my lips.

"Sure, we'll get dressed then head out" Hailey agreed with me and I smiled. Hailey went into my bedroom while I drank my drink. I rinsed my glass once I had drank it and then went to get dressed myself, I chose a pair of black jeans a tank top with my black denim jacket, it felt like a double denim day, I loved my denim jackets, I always have done. I decided to leave my hair down today so I simply brushed it. Once the pair of us were dressed we headed to a little diner down the street from my apartment 'Hall's Diner' it had opened only a few days ago, I've heard it's not the best place to go but I suggested it to Hailey and we both agreed not to judge the place before we have even tried it.


"Well that was disappointing but I guess we should have guessed" hailey said which made me laugh slightly as Hailey and I headed to my car after paying the bill.

"I agree. Those pancakes were awful and the bacon god I really hope it wasn't out of date" I groaned, I was disappointed in the food and truely did hope the bacon was still in date, although I only had a bite but it really didn't taste right, we complained but the owners, they didn't want to know.

"If they give you food poisoning then we will report them to whoever we need to report them too" Hailey smiled towards me and I smiled.

"I love you Hailey Anne Upton" I practically whispered resting my head on her shoulder while we walked.

"I love you more Paige Cathrine Voight" Hailey said in a soft tone. I could tell she was smiling, just the thought of her being happy was enough to make me happy.

"Who's apartment are we staying at tonight?" I asked as I got into the car to take hailey to work.

"I don't mind as long as I'm with you" Hailey said smiling. I turned to look at her and also smiled, I never imagined I'd be this happy with someone and Hailey makes me happy every single day.

"I don't mind either, I'd be happy anyway as long as I'm being with you" I smiled happily, I ran a hand through my hair before starting the engine of the car. I pulled my seatbelt across myself an carefully looked in the rear view mirror to make sure it was safe to reverse out of the parking spot. For a short while their was silence in the car not the awkward type of silence but the comfortable type where you don't have to say anything at all but you are still happy with the company you are in...

Yeah that's the type of silence I have with Hailey and the type of silence that is just perfect when I'm with her. I let out a small sigh with a smile on my face.

"Life is crazy, but I know now I have you in my life. That you are beside me; helping me and supporting me. I can work it out, I can work it all out as long as I have you" I said to Hailey as we stopped at a red traffic light. It had to be said because it was the truth and I need Hailey to know that, especially right know when I think something might be wrong, It's probably just stress and the trauma I've been through but I've not got my period yet, I was due 4 days ago.. I know 4 days is 4 days but still I was worried. I wasn't going to think about it just yet as it could most definitely be because of stress.

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