015 | Your Family

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I was wandering around my apartment aimlessly while Hailey slept. I had been awake since 4am, I couldn't sleep and I had been tossing and turning before I finally giving up because I didn't want to wake her up. I couldn't seem to stop thinking about what happened, it was ever since going to visit him yesterday. I couldn't stop thinking about it.

"Paige, are you okay" I heard Hailey's sleepy voice ask, it was still early; probably about 6am, hailey usually wake up at 7am if she doesn't get called in the middle of the night.

"Just couldn't sleep" I said letting a sigh out, I felt Hailey wrap her arms around me from behind and her head gently placed on my left shouder.

"What's on your mind?" Hailey asked curiously but with a hint of worry in her voice.

"I shouldn't have been to visit him yesterday; I shouldn't have visited Thomas, I wanted closure but I just can't stop thinking about what he put me through. Every time I have to change or shower I'm reminded of what happened, the scars of his initials will forever be a reminder of what he did to me. They will never go away" I said trying not to cry.

"I'm never going to forget! Who would ever love someone so broken, so messed up" I said with tears in my eyes.

"I love you, I will always love you Paige. Your not going to be broken forever. I don't care about the scars or what it says. I only care about you. That you are okay, you are safe. You are my everything Paige and you always will be" Hailey said gently turning me around so I was facing her.

"I love you too Hailey, more than I can even put into words, the last few weeks I've been happier than I have ever been, you make me happy" I said sliding my arms around my girlfriend and resting my head on her shoulder.

"I'm in this for the long haul Paige. I mean it" Hailey said kissing my forehead.

"Always the long haul" I whispered with my head still on her shoulder.

"I was thinking maybe tonight we can go to Mollys, have a few drinks and just let our hair down, I know you went last night but this will be a proper night out. We will go for a meal before hand" Hailey suggested, it was a good idea.

"Where to?" I asked moving my head so I could look at hailey.

"We can either see if Oakley can squeeze us in or we could go to the Cheesecake Factory, I don't really care where we go as long as I am with you" Hailey said, a smile formed on my face as my heart practically melted in my chest; obviously that's not possible but Hailey really knew how to make the impossible possible

"I've been talking to Oakley, she has mentioned that she would always squeeze us in and if we ever wanted to throw a dinner party she'd come over and do all the cooking for us." I said mentioning about the texts before Oakley and myself.

"Maybe one day; if we ever decide to get our own place together we could throw a dinner party then and she can join us" Hailey smiled as she spoke about the future

"Let's go to the Cheesecake Factory today. I've been craving their Chocolate Caramelicous Cheesecake, I always get that for desert when I go to the Cheesecake Factory" I grinned happily

"Then the Cheesecake Factory it is. After I finish work today, I'll change and then we can go for our meal, and I'm paying this time, no arguments" Hailey said smiling.

"Fine but our next date I'm buying" I grinned happily.

"Deal" smiled Hailey.


David and Jaime messaged me at 10am to see if it was okay for them to pop round, I was fine with them to come round so they. Not long after the text their was a knock at the door, I opened it and smiled when I saw my neighbours

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