004 | Anybody Have A Map?

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Have you ever wondered how to figure out your own mind? How one moment you seem to be fine but then the next all the memories come flooding back to you? I would love to know how to figure out my mind right now. After the drink with Hailey the other night I've had this really weird feeling like someone is watching my every move. I swear I've seen Thomas outside my apartment once or twice; I mean it could me my own brain deciding to trick me.

Are you coming to help out in intelligence today? X

I read the text message on my phone from Elle, I hadn't left the house since meeting Hailey but when I woke up this morning I thought differently, I decided that I was going to go out, I was going to help out today and push myself to feel better because I have to feel better, I have to focus on life again and not the past; I know that is easier said than done but I had to do this.

Yeah, I'll be there about 10ish. Do you want a coffee? I'll pop by Layla's café that we all like xx

I replied to Elle before tossing my phone onto my bed before I opened my curtains and looked out of the window. After a moment I turned around and got my outfit for the day sorted, I decided on my black dungarees which I paired with a purple jumper some white ankle socks and I was still deciding on what shoes to wear

 After a moment I turned around and got my outfit for the day sorted, I decided on my black dungarees which I paired with a purple jumper some white ankle socks and I was still deciding on what shoes to wear

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Once I had my outfit sorted I took it all into the bathroom and turned my shower on and let the water heat up while I striped from my pyjamas and tossed them into the laundry basket. I stuck my hand under the shower and let out a sigh, the water wasn't even heating up.

"Oh come on!" I practically cried out, surely the water was going to actually heat up.

"For crying out loud! I reported this problem months ago" I groaned, I had problems with the water back in June, my landlord 'sorted' it out, I thought he had done too but if he sorted it out then why is it being a piece of shit now.

"Looks like I'm not showering now" I sighed turning the shower off and getting myself dressed. I really needed to shower since I had been lazy thinking that i didn't need to the last day because I wasn't going out which meant I wasn't going to see anyone.

"I guess I'll ask dad or Elle and Jay if I can use their showers" I thought to myself, I knew either of them would let me.. I packed my shampoo, conditioner and shower jel into my duffel bag and added a change of clothes and my ambo hoodie since I would be needing that for the time being as chief Boden asked if I could cover ambo 61 until we can get someone to permanently cover Emily, I wasn't aware she had left to go to medical school. I shoved a pair of pyjamas into my bag in case I ask to stay at dads tonight. I don't fancy driving home in the dark.


At 9am I made my way out of my apartment and to my car. That was until I was stopped in my tracks by Thomas Wild.

"What do you want Thomas!" I practically growled as I felt like my heart was going to break through my chest, I knew I was going to panic, I was going to end up in a right mess if I didn't deal with Thomas for good.

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