012 | Your The One I Want

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⚠️Trigger Warning⚠️
⚠️Mentions of sexual assault and assault⚠️

Third Person

After two days of being in hospital the doctors on Paige's case decided it was time to bring her out of the medical induced coma, her body was still healing but the they believed that it was the right time to bring her out. Hailey had been sat with Paige a lot as well as Hank, Elle and Olivia, obviously everyone else has visited even though Paige wasn't awake. Hank had just left to take Olivia to college, Elle had gone go grab some food from the cafeteria so Hailey was sat on her own with Paige.

Hank and Elle knew the doctors were thinking of bringing Paige out of the coma today which was why Elle wasn't planning on going home to shower. Hank was going to be going straight back to the hospital once he had dropped his youngest off at college.

"Hey, just came to check in" Sylvie said to Hailey who turned in the chair to see the blonde paramedic.

"Hi, Sylvie. Theirs no change but the doctors are hoping to bring Paige out of the coma at some point today." Hailey informed Sylvie who nodded as she took a seat in the opposite side of the bed.

"Have you been looking after yourself while Paige has been here? You look like you haven't slept in days" Sylvie pointed out to the detective sat opposite her.

"Of course I have" Hailey lied hoping it wasn't too obvious which Sylvie saw straight through the lie, although she wasn't exactly close to the detective she knew how much Paige liked her, Sylvie herself had listened to Paige talk about Hailey and how she saw her in her futures. Sylvie hoped that one day Paige would tell Hailey about her feelings, she even encouraged Paige to do so but Paige wouldn't, she didn't think it was worth the heartache of Hailey didn't have feelings for her.

"Hailey you look like you haven't slept in days, I understand you are worried about Paige, I am too, she's practically a sister to me but that's not the point. You have to look after yourself too, you need to sleep, eat and drink otherwise you won't be any good for anyone at all" Sylvie tries to tell Hailey she needed to take care of herself too.

"I've been eating and I've been drinking, and I have slept" Hailey said, she hadn't exactly eaten a proper meal or slept properly since before Paige went missing but she had slept for a brief while.

"Just make sure you do take care of yourself. Even when Paige wakes up, you know she'll say this herself too" Sylvie said, Hailey agreed to look after herself but first she had to make sure that Paige was going to be okay.


Hailey, Hank and Elle stood outside Paige's room while the doctors and anesthesiologist began reverse the process of the coma. Elle was holding her dads hand while Hailey stood anxiously waiting for any updates.

"She will be okay, won't she?" Elle asked looking between her dad and Hailey.

"Paige is a fighter, she's still alive and she will be back to her old self before we know it. We all know she'll struggle but she has us, she has 51, she has Maria and she has intelligence. We are all going to help Paige to recover" Hank said putting his arm around his daughter in a comforting way. Hailey knew Paige would get through the trauma she's gone through. Maybe not fully especially mentally but she would and she was going to help as much as she could because Paige was the one she wanted to be with, she had never felt this way before.

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