006 | Smile Often

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Once I got home from the firehouse I crashed almost immediately, it was a busy shift so I expected the need to sleep. I climbed into my bed without even changing from the black jeans and 'Queen' band tee I had put on when I had finished my shift. David had text me saying I didn't have to dress up but I did have to dress better than just a band tee and jeans, I could always wear my denim skirt with a white top but I still had time to decide, the only thing I couldn't do was shower because my damn landlord still hasn't gotten back in touch with me. I guess I will just shower at work on Sunday if my landlord doesn't come and fix the hot water.


Once I had woken up from sleeping at 12pm I stretched and let out a small yawn. I climbed out of bed and made my bed almost immediately before I made my way into the kitchen to make myself a drink.

"What on earth?" I mumbled when I saw a piece of paper on the floor in front of my door. It certainly wasn't their when I went to sleep. I crouched down and picked the paper up before heading into the kitchen with the paper. As I unfolded the paper I felt my breathing get hitched in my throat. Their was a picture of Olivia, she looked like she was with Ethan, I hoped it was Ethan anyway, I ran a hand through my hair as I tried to bring myself to read what the note said.

I know where your sister lives,
I know her boyfriend
I know where she studies
If you mess with me I'll come for her and you'll never see her again..
Or I'll come for you when you least expect it

And if you tell ANYONE and I mean ANYONE you'll regret it


I cringed as I read the note, it had to be Thomas, he's the one that wants to make my life a living hell, I had to do what he wants, I think... I didn't want put my little sister in danger.

"Well this isn't good" I groaned biting my lip while I made my drink. I took a deep breath and tried to calm myself down, i we panicking that my sister was going to be in danger.

"I have to be nice to him, I can't tell anyone" I said as I let out a small cry. I had to talk to someone about this but what if he's bugged my apartment, if I was to tell Sylvie tomorrow he might find out, Sylvie is the only one I can trust with this but I can't tell her, I can't tell anyone. I tried not to cry, I had to smile, be brave. I remember mom telling to 'Smile Often' and that's what I had to do now, I had to Smile often and try and ignore the fact I'm being stalked and having someone try and ruin my life once again. Im going to have to ignore everything going on but only until I know what to do because I didn't want to make the wrong move and put Olivia in danger, that would just destroy me and I could never forgive myself if Olivia was in danger.

"Come on Paige! Compose yourself! Dry those eyes and smile!" I whispered to myself knowing I probably would have sounded like a idiot or a nutcase if anyone heard me talking to myself. I wiped my eyes, took a deep breath and forced myself to smile. Once I had composed myself I drank my drink and got a slice of bread from my bread bin and eating it plain, something I've done for a long time, after all I didn't think their was anything wrong with eating bread plain. Seeing as I had nothing else to do today I decided to binge watch NCIS, I'd been into watching it lately but haven't really had time to do so


At around 4pm I decided to start getting ready to head next door, I got the tequila and beers and placed them on the table I have beside my door before I headed into my room. I found out my black denim skirt which I loved by the way and found out a white t-shirt which would go with the skirt before placing them both onto my bed and plugging my phone into my speaker and pressed shuffle on my music, I wasn't expected next door until around 6 or 6:30 so I had 2 hours to do whatever I want. 'Killer Queen' by Queen came on and I grinned, this was one of my all time favourite songs, I had always been a fan of Queen. I e so always loved Meatloaf, Culture Club and JLS. My music taste is kind of all over the place but I love what I love and if it makes me happy then who cares, because my music taste doesn't effect anyone else.

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