007 | Confiding In A Friend

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Third Person

After getting back to her apartment at almost half twelve at night Paige guzzled down a glass of water before removing her skirt and top and practically flopping onto her bed in her underwear, she was really drunk and if she decided to put pyjamas on she would probably end up falling and more likely to hurt herself so she did the smartest thing and just went to sleep in her bra and knickers. During the night Thomas Wild took his chance to break into Paige's apartment, he was going to get her to pay for sending him down almost 8 years ago. He had already started his payback mission with stalking Paige and sending her the little note with a picture of her sister Olivia but the next step was breaking into her apartment which he had already planned, her managed to her her landlord to let him in once while Paige was on shift and he managed to get a key cut for the apartment so he could get in without making a sound. Thomas smirked to himself as he saw Paige asleep ontop of her duvet in just her underwear.

"Perfect" he practically whispered to himself as he pulled his phone from his pocket and opening the camera.

"Your Totally asking for it aren't you Paige" Thomas said softly while he snapped a couple of pictures of Paige. Paige was out of it seeing as she was drunk and when she was drunk nothing would wake her up from her slumber. Thomas smirked as he saved the pictures on his phone and left a message for her before he snuck out of the apartment and headed home himself.

The next morning at around 10am Paige woke up completely unaware that Thomas was in her apartment that night. She woke up with a headache from how much she drunk so she swung her legs over the side of the bed and walked to her kitchen to get a glass of water and painkillers, still completely oblivious to the note Thomas left for her on her vanity.

"I think today will be spent on my pjs. Maybe I should text sylvie that we are going to have our girls night in our Pjs" Paige thought out loud to herself just as her phone pinged, it was one of her friends from kindergarten Maria McKinnon, she moved to New York after her parents died in a car accident and her career took off.

Hey Girllll! I'm back in Chicago for a month. If your free next weekend I was wondering if you'd like to go to the Vine
I miss you Paige x

A smile formed on Paige's face once she read the text. But she wasn't sure if the Vine was somewhere she would fit in. The vine was one of the places where all the celebrities hang out, and the richest people in the city. Maria was rich and you could say she was a celebrity too so she would fit in, she has been in films and released her own songs too.

Hey M, I would love to see you. I'll book next Saturday off so we can have the weekend together. See you sure I would fit in at the Vine? X
I miss you too

Paige ran a hand through her hair which was tangled as she hadn't brushed it and popped two painkillers before filling up a glass of water to take the tablets just as her phone pinged again

Of Course you'd fit in, if you want to borrow one of my dresses to make you feel better your more than welcome but you look sexy in everything x

Paige let out a small laugh as she read the message.

Oh shut up Maria! Your the one that looks damn sexy in everything you wear, especially your gorgeous red mini dress x

Paige replied honestly with a smile on her face before she took her painkillers to help with her headache

I love you Paige! Your always their to make me smile. Thank you for that girly xx

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