002 | Bringing Back Memories

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Paige hadn't always found it hard to trust someone, not until the boy she believed to be her best friend broke her trust, stabbed her in the back and almost destroyed her life. She loved harder than anything but she also hated more than she should do... once someone has broken her trust and hurt her, their is no turning back and that was a fact.

As a teenager Paige always thought something was wrong with her, while other girls were obsessing over boys in their grade she wasn't, she didn't find herself attracted to any boys, she was best friends with one Thomas Wild, Thomas never likes to hear the word 'NO' and that got Paige into trouble a few times but she always knew how to get herself out of trouble, she had a smile which people often believed her when she said she wasn't up to anything.

But that's not where Paige's story begins, her story begins one cold evening in the middle of November, November the 19th to be exact. This evening Paige was in the store getting groceries but that's not important right?

What's important is what else was going on, or should we say who Paige sees is what is important.

Paige's POV

"Pip! Can we get some chocolate?" My younger sister Olivia asked as the pair of us wandered around to the dairy product, I was rubbing low on milk and cheese which is rather useful when you can't be bothered to cook a full on meal and live practically of home made macaroni cheese, which yes I do that. Tonight on the other hand I have Olivia sleeping over as I'm giving a talk at the college tomorrow and I suggested to dad I would drive Olivia to college and have her stay over; we've decided to order pizza and watch a film before bed. This was something Elle and I have also done in the past but obviously we didn't have college the next day so we stayed up really late, we drank alcohol and gossiped about everything and anything.

"We can get whatever you want Liv! But their is a limit, like always, no alcohol, dad would kill me if I let you drink" I pointed out and Olivia nodded, obviously I was being over dramatic with saying dad would kill me but that doesn't matter

"I wouldn't want dad killing my favourite sister" Olivia smirked

"I would let Elle hear you say I'm your favourite; I think she would fight me for the role of being the favourite sister" I laughed, I mean I wouldn't put it pass Elle but the three of us love each other endlessly, Elle and I would do anything to protect Olivia, she's our little sister. I wouldn't want her to go through what i had to at 17; even though she's almost 19 i wouldn't wish anything like what I went through on anyone.

"I'd sell the tickets to watch the fight" Olivia laughed.

"Oh would you now" I asked trying to keep a straight face.

"I so would" Olivia continued.

"I wouldn't put it past you" I smirked gently nudging my sister.

"Right you go and pick some chocolate and candy; I'll pick up some milk and cheese and meet you their" I smiled to Olivia who nodded and turned back the way we just came and headed to the isle where the chocolate and candy was. I walked a little further before turning down the dairy isle.

"No, no, no" I thought to myself as I came face to face with a blast from the past.

"Paige Voight" the person said as i tried, when I first reported what happened to Trudy Platt this person threatened me... it was Thomas Wild, my best friend up until the dreadful night, the night where he filmed himself having sex with me and took photos too. Not only did he do that he threatened to post them and share them if I ever reported it but I broke down in front of Trudy, I broke down and ended up spilling everything, that's when our her girls came forward and after a battle we managed to get him sent down for 7 years, I hadn't seen him since the trial; that was 7 years and 2 months ago,, I wished I didn't have to see him again now but this is this.

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