010 | Your Mine

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⚠️Trigger Warning ⚠️
⚠️Sexual Assault⚠️

Paige's POV

It must have been 4 maybe 5 hours since I woke up in this strange room. I didn't know where I was but I did know that Thomas was the one who had me. I've had a flashback to what happened at the New Years party and it's horrible. Thomas had already made sure I know that I can't escape, he's made it known that he's making me pay. I had no way of escaping, the ropes that Thomas had tied me to the bed was starting to dig into my wrists and ankles, rope burns we're probably also forming on my wrists and ankles as I tried to wriggle out of the ropes. I wasn't having any luck.

"You ready for some fun?" Thomas said a he walked into the room.

"Let me go! I won't tell anyone what happened. I promice" I said tears in my eyes, I was scared of what Thomas was going to do, it didn't sound good.

"And I can't believe a word you say. You see I know you told that blonde friend of yours about my little messages. Now it's time for some fun, if you make a sound nobody will hear you. I could either make it easier and knock you out or you can just take it" smirked Thomas as he walked over to me, he was removing his jeans as be approached me.

"Thomas I don't want this! I don't want to be here!" I said trying to stop my voice from shaking but it didn't work, as I spoke my voice trembled.

"Don't be silly! You do want to" smirked Thomas grabbing the scissors he had on the table beside. Tears were building up in my eyes as my breathing hitches in my throat

"Now stay still baby, I don't want to cut you with the scissors" Thomas said laughing a little at the end.

"Like talk haven't already" I said to him as confidently as I could, he had hurt me already, probably broken my ribs too, it was not long after I woke up, I wouldn't stop screaming, I wanted to get away, I was meant to be on shift, I was meant to make my moms chicken wings and introduce Maria to everyone, that was todays plan, that's what needed to happen. I squirmed in Thomas's grip as he began cutting at my jeans.

"Stay still!" Thomas demanded. I obeyed not wanting scissors in my leg. Thomas laughed as he continued cutting. I didn't want any of this, Thomas wasn't listening as I continued to say no.

"Thomas I don't want this!" I said as Thomas climbed on top of me. It hurt as he forced himself upon me, it hurt like hell.

"Now shut the hell up or I might have to get rough with you" Thomas threatened but he was already rough.

"Please stop!!" I cried as Thomas got rougher (is that even a word?) when Thomas had stopped he began hitting me, saying it would teach me to keep my mouth shut. My body couldn't take it any longer as I soon fell unconscious

Third Person

"Chief can I talk to you a moment? Sylvie asked Chief Boden after she phoned Elle. Paige's sister and father were going to be heading to the firehouse as soon as they could but Paige decided she had to talk to boden before anything else happens. She knew she should have told someone sooner but she didn't and kind of felt responsible for Paige's disappearance.

"Come on in Brett" Chief Boden said and Sylvie entered his office and shut the door behind her.

"It's about Paige" Sylvie said

"Last weekend before the shift we had on Sunday Paige and I had a girls night. She told me something but made me promise not to tell anyone, I agreed because I know how hard it is for her to trust anyone. She also said she would tell someone of what was going on for any worse. I don't know if you knew that when Paige was 17 she went through this whole situation, one thing led to another and the person involved got sent down. Paige had seemed to forget about it long story short she told me that the guy who was involved has been stalking her, he threatened to hurt Olivia if Paige told anyone. She didn't want that and said that's the reason she wasn't telling anyone." Sylvie said

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