003 | Talk To Her

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A week had passed since Olivia and I had a girls night before my talk to the university. Olivia and Ethan were front row mostly because Olivia knew how anxious I was about giving a speech in front off all the children well not children the teenagers, their were over 100 students, if I remember correctly the principal said their was 1026 students,  that was a lot more than I was expecting. I mean who would want to go to a fire safety talk, if I was their age I would have probably have wanted to just hang out with my friends.

Anyway I was on my second shift back after my time off but you could say I haven't been myself since. I was terrified that Thomas was going to try something, I was fine before I bumped into him but he didn't seem too happy. I hadn't told anyone about what happened because I want to get on with my life but I thought I had got past the whole thing but since seeing Thomas I guess you can say I've been re-living that night almost 8 years ago. It's like the memories are on repeat in my brain, I thought I was able to handle it but now I'm not too sure.

Today I was covering for Emily on ambo as she was not well so I was working with Sylvie today, not that I minded, I haven't long passed to be a paramedic so it would be good to put my training into action so I don't get rusty. I was currently sat in the passenger seat of the ambulance as it was the only place I could be left to my thoughts, everyone seems to be asking if I'm okay, I understand I had time off after my last shift and the traumatic events that had happened, loosing the twins but I'm fine, that's not what was bothering me and truthfully none knew I had seen my ex, I didn't want to talk about Thomas, I didn't want to remember what happened but at the same time it was all I could think about, it was all that was playing on my mind and it was draining.

Third Person

Everyone was worried about the 25 year old, Paige hadn't been herself and it was becoming blatantly obvious with her friends and her family. The first person to notice was Kelly Severide, the one person who you wouldn't expect to notice the change in Paige, they were friends but they weren't always together to make it obvious to him.

"I think someone should talk to her. She's never shut herself in the ambo instead of socialising" Joe said as the other members of firehouse 51 tried to figure out what was going on with the once happy and bubbly young woman.

"I've tried finding out what was wrong back here after the call out but she said she was fine and she would come to us if she needed anything. But I agree, this is not like Paige" Sylvie said, Paige and Sylvie have been friends since Paige was in college, although their was about a 5 years age difference the two of them got along really well and when Sylvie graduated she stayed in contact with Paige.

"Maybe it's all linked to the fire where the twins died? She took time off because of that." Blake Gallo suggested a reason to Paige's change in personality,

"I don't know what it is but whatever it is we need Paige to know that we are all here if she ever wants to talk about any of it" Kelly and Sylvie said almost simultaneously, it was like they had read one another's minds.

Meanwhile at the 21st Intelligence we're currently doing paperwork, Hank was in his office while the rest of the team were at their desks and on their own computers. The 7 adults had noticed that the last week while Paige wasn't on shift that she spent all her time in the bullpen, helping out but when anyone asked why she wasn't enjoying her time off she said that she was fine helping out. Hailey was the first to notice along side Elle.

Olivia was buzzed up to see her dad and sister, she wanted to her oldest sister if she had noticed a change in Paige's personality, Olivia first noticed the change when they were in the store so technically you could say she was the first to notice the change in her sister's personality and truthfully it worried her, she may be the youngest Voight Sister but that doesn't mean she can not worry about her older sister, she worried about both her sisters with their jobs and she even worried about their father.

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