Blind Date

416 23 17

Happy new year everyone! Hope God blesses us all with good health, wealth, and joy in all the years to come. The last year of my life was.... let's just say not great. But I found the help and support I needed to make it through.

If you or anyone you know is suffering from mental health issues, please reach out. There is no nobility in suffering in silence. There are so many people ready to love you. My messages are always open, please reach out if you need someone to talk to. 

Lots of love, enjoy 💕


I was so mad. Armaan just wouldn't believe a word I said, instead acting like I killed his pet or something.

The team noticed my mood over the next couple days and didn't bother me much. I told Namrata I was just PMS-ing but that excuse only works when you are somewhat close to your period and she knew I was not.

"What is your deal Naina? You're so moody," she followed me into my hotel room one night.

"Nothing," I muttered, changing into my PJs in the other room.

"Bullshit," she laughed, looking around the unusually messy room. I hadn't been in the mood to be my usual organized self. "Talk to me darling."

I sighed, free-falling down on the couch beside her. "I'm just sad..." I admitted.

She nodded, understanding dawning on her face. "You need a boyfriend."

"I don't date," I reminded her. "And no, a boy is not the solution to my loneliness."

"Isn't it though?" she smirked. "Let me set you up with someone," she prodded.

"No Namrata, don't be ridiculous," I shook my head vehemently.

"Naina," she scooted over beside me, wrapping an arm around my body. "I know you're probably feeling the effects of being alone for so long. You're 25, you don't even have a pet goldfish to go home to. It's okay to want to find someone. Find someone in the same line of work, you don't have to worry about anything then."

She wasn't wrong. 

"Let me set you up with someone," she begged. "I know someone who might be perfect for you."

"Who?" I couldn't help my curiosity.

"Just someone. You say yes and I'll set everything up. I'll make it super halal, in a public place and just a simple dinner."

I groaned, burying my face into a pillow.

"I'm taking that as a yes. Be ready tomorrow by 6!" she squealed.

It was because of Sanam's stern scolding that I actually got dressed. She said there was no harm in just going for a meal and that I would have to do this. She made me swear on her future children.

I had on a cream-coloured pleated skirt, that went down to my ankles. I paired it with a pair of strappy black heels and a simple, loosely fitted black sweater. I even managed to make my hair look nice.

Looking in the mirror was a weird feeling. I probably dressed up- if I could even call it that- after maybe seven months. I forgot that I could actually look....nice. All those work clothes were really transforming me into a wet piece of cardboard.

I took an Uber Namrata had ordered to the restaurant she had made reservations at. Apparently it was a very private place so I wouldn't have to worry about work or anything else while I was there.

I still packed my taser. Old habits die hard.

When I arrived at the restaurant, the maitre d' led me to my table. I recognized the person sitting there before I reached him and internally groaned so loud the Heavens would be able to hear.

Naina (Al-Ameen Family #4)Where stories live. Discover now