The Jacket- Hasan's POV

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So this chapter is from Hasan's POV!! I've been excited to write this one for a while, hope you all enjoy it! Shall I do a spinoff story for Hasan and his lady friend who you meet in this chapter...👀

Comment and let me know!


When I woke up this morning to pray, the last thing I expected was to get a call from Namrata about Naina being kidnapped.

I had reached MI6 headquarters that morning faster than I ever had before.

I told Naina to stay away from London and what does she do? She comes to London.

I walked into the room where the team was. Even Patrick and his boys had come to help.

Namrata was sitting in a corner of the room. She look awful. Her eyes were red, she was a hoodie and jeans, and she held a giant coffee in her hands.

"What's the situation?" I asked no one in particular.

Nobody spoke. "I asked a question," I roared and one of the younger agents jumped in his seat. He straightened up and looked me in the eyes to answer.

"Agent Naina Patel was filmed being forced into a vehicle at gunpoint with Indian cricketer Armaan Al-Ameen," he pressed a button on the central control system and a video played on the screen behind me. It was a cellphone recording, only a couple seconds long. Naina's face is barely shown but Armaan's clearly is. The man holding a gun is also obscured but I recognize him as Enzo. "It's all over the news already."


"Where did the vehicle go?"

"Headed west towards Wales. We lost it once it passed Hereford."

"Namrata what's the plan?"

She looked up at me. Her eyes were hollow, emotionless. "This is my fault Hasan," her voice was a whisper. "She tried to ask for my help and I just left her because I was pissed. How could I do this to her?"

"Have you heard from her?"

"She sent me this text," she showed me her phone but it was just a bunch of random letters. "I think she was trying to say help. The team found her phone not too far from the restaurant, shattered."

"It's going to be okay Namrata, we'll fi-"

"Nam?" Patrick walked into the room and straight towards us. "He's here."

"Who's here?" I asked.

"Armaan Al-Ameen," Patrick said grimly. Namrata and I both shot up and followed Patrick to one of the conference rooms. Armaan was sitting on the couch there with a guard outside the door.

He looked up and a glimpse of relief showed on his tired, haggard face. I was the only one in this room he'd met and knew so I took the lead and walked over to sit down beside him. "Hey man. It's going to be okay."

"You gotta find her Hasan. I'm loosing my mind. You need to do something."

"We will find her," I assured. "Tell me what happened from the start."

And he did. But it had been two days. She could be anywhere by now.

"Mr. Al-Ameen, can you describe what she was wearing? We need to get a description of her out to every station in the country," Patrick pulled out a notepad and pen.

Armaan described Naina's appearance, and the best description of where they were. When he got out of the abandoned house they were in, he walked 45 minutes down the road to a gas station, from where he called the cops.

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