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Naina's look for the reception above :) 


I got into the rental car and put my headphones in. My phone buzzed, and it was a text from Inayah Bhabhi. She and Nazeeha were on my case about seeing this one girl's picture. Apparently she was Nazeeha's friend from their building and according to her, she would be beyond perfect for me. Even though Inayah Bhabhi had only met her briefly for a minute in the building lobby one day, she totally agreed with Nazeeha and insisted I at least consider her.

And then there was Safiyana and Zinat Bhabhi, who kept asking me to say yes to the prospect of marriage and then they would present me with the "perfect girl." Their words, not mine.

I texted my mom I was on my way and shut my phone off without looking at Bhabhi's text. It was almost dead and I wanted to avoid all rishta talk. My mind couldn't move on from Naina and the women in my life were lining up girls for me.

I fell asleep at some point, and woke up when the car stopped in front of my little sister's new house. I saw Navsheen walking up to me, her husband trailing behind.

"Hi bhai," she grinned, giving me a tight hug. I had not seen her since before I left for India, almost a year and a half ago. When I came home to the UK, she would be in Mauritius or Dubai with her husband, and when she was in the UK, I was in India.

"Salam Waseem," I gave my brother-in-law a hug too. He told us to go inside while he grabbed her bags.

"Dole shole kab bana diye tumne Bhai? (When did you make these muscles Brother?)," Navsheen teased, pinching my upper arms.

"Meri maa aur desh ka naam roshan karte (While making my mom and country proud)," I grinned back, pushing her away. She pushed me back before leading us towards the kitchen. I took the glass of water she offered and then asked her to lead to me a bathroom ASAP.

Most of my family that was coming was arriving straight to the reception. I got a couple days off and Ali and Nazeeha were staying the weekend with Nav so they all invited me to join in. Third wheel goals, am I right?

I took the guest bedroom and showered all the exhaustion away. It felt good to be home, even if it wasn't actually my home. Growing up with so much family, it really does feel so empty when they're not always around.

I heard Ali's voice downstairs so I quickly put on a shirt and joined them.

"Hi Nazeeha," I gave her a side hug.

Little known fact, I used to have the biggest crush on Nazeeha when we were younger. She was Navsheen's best friend, always around, and so loud and boisterous. I don't know what I saw in her then but it became evident as we got older that she was just a childhood crush and nothing more. She needed someone like Ali, loud and exciting for her calm and quiet personality.

"You guys hungry, I have dinner ready," Navsheen said and we all hungrily followed her into the dining room.


After dinner, we all sat in the living room with her fireplace keeping my toes from freezing off. Somehow the conversation went from my successful ad campaigns, to my single relationship status.

Nazeeha brought up her friend again.

"Layla's such a pretty name," Navsheen noted, as Nazeeha flipped through her phone. "Oh my God, she's beautiful!" my little sister screeched.

I grimaced at her joy. Nazeeha got Navsheen on her side now too.

"Bhai, she's so pretty, look at her!" Navsheen leaned over Ali to nudge me. I gave her a glare and she huffed, leaning back. "He'll come around Nazeeha. But by then all the single, beautiful, intelligent girls will be taken, and he'll have to marry some old hag with botox."

Naina (Al-Ameen Family #4)Where stories live. Discover now