Second Chance

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Please comment and let me know your thoughts on how the story is going. The next couple chapters are just going to be cutesy, romantic stuff because I'm going through it right now and I need something to give me some hope that the world isn't a complete hell hole (: 

Picks right up where the last chapter ended. Enjoy ♥️ 

My heart raced frantically at those two words. The heart monitor went off again and he looked with panic at it.

"I'm okay," I assured, taking deep breaths to slow my heart rate down before someone came in to check on me. "Armaan, I.... I don't know what to say."

"Do you want to be with me?"

I did not hesitate one moment to answer that. "Yes."

"Then marry me," he said it like it was the most obvious thing in the world.

"Armaan, this is insane," I let out a breathy chuckle, taking my hand back from him. I took another sip of water to calm myself down. "Armaan, you're talking about getting married to me. But you still don't know everything about me."

"I don't need to know everything. We can spend our whole life learning about each other. All I need to know is that you are a faithful Muslim, a good person, and you make me happy. Everything else will be figured out in time."

I didn't know how to argue with that. I couldn't argue with that.

"Armaan, you know I had a past right?"

"Yes you've told me. But I don't care about any of that. I only care about our future," he said with such conviction I couldn't doubt for one second that he meant it.

"So you're 100% sure?"

"1000% Naina Patel. Let's just get our nikah done, no one has to know. Let's have this time for ourselves, and when you feel ready, we can tell my family or get married again. I understand that keeping this relationship private is necessary for you and I have no problem with that."

I took a minute or two to ponder over his words.

We could get our nikah done and only we would know. It would be like secretly dating, but halal. We could get to know each other, figure out how to make this relationship work, how we work, and not be bogged down with the societal pressures of weddings and being married.

It might just work...

"Are you about that Armaan? You're okay with keeping this a secret?"

"Of course. I'll be your forbidden lover," he smirked.

I let out a laugh again, completely in shock at the fact that I was agreeing to this. For once, I was going to throw caution to the wind and live in the moment. "Okay then Armaan. Let's get married."

I was discharged the next afternoon from the hospital. Namrata took me to the hotel they were now staying at. My bags were still packed in one corner of her room. She set me down on the bed and gave me my painkillers as scheduled by the doctor.

"So babe," she sat down beside me, tucking the comforter tightly into my sides. "HQ has set up a safe house for you to stay at until you're recovered. It's a small hotel room in Old Dubai, booked under an alias. No one else will stay in there. It's just for you to rest and recover."

"Can't I just go back home? I miss my bed," I whined, closing my eyes as the migraine started.

"No. I don't want to risk further aggravating your injuries."

I sighed, snuggling my face into my pillow. I felt my phone buzz. I patted around the bed until I found it. It was Armaan asking for an update.

Namrata and the rest of the team were completely wrapped up in the aftermath of our raid but thankfully I was given medical leave, which meant time to rest and relax alone. I moved to the new hotel the next morning but didn't bother unpacking. Who knows how long I'd actually have to stay.

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