Hold On

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Armaan made some excuse at practice and got home in half the time he usually does.

I had packed two carry-ons just like he'd asked and soon enough we were on our way to the airport. We took an airline I'd never heard of, but the plane was small and no one noticed or bothered us.

I let Armaan lead the way to a very luxurious- and probably very expensive- resort. I could smell the water from the car and I was actually getting excited. The last vacation I took was....too long ago to remember.

We were led to a private villa on the water, nobody and nothing around us. I eagerly opened the door and my breath caught at the sight in front of me.

The room was large but one open space. The back wall was all glass doors, open to a private deck and stairs that led right into the water. The room had a large bed in the center, covered in white netting and rose petals. There was a glorious bamboo covered bathroom I could see through the open door, and a little breakfast nook on the other side of the room. 

"Armaan," I breathed, reaching out for him behind me without taking my eyes off the water. I heard the door click and then his arms snake around me. He rested his chin on my shoulder, kissing the base of my neck. "Where did you find this place?"

"All of Bollywood comes here," he snickers, stepping away to stretch.

"Well thank you for bringing me here, I am...speechless," I laugh, stepping out onto the desk. The wood was burning hot under my bare feet but I couldn't care less. I was soaking it all in while I could, both literally and metaphorically.

"Do you know how to swim?" he asked, taking his shirt off and walking outside to me.

"No," I eyed him warily. "Unfortunately, I do not."

He gave me one of his signature devilish grins, stalking towards me like a lion to his prey. "That's too bad. Guess I'll have to keep a hold on you then," he grabbed me tightly.

"Armaan, no!-" but before I could let out another word, he pulled us both into the cool water.

I held on to him tightly as we both pulled our heads above the water. He was smiling ear to ear, moving his hands to my waist to steady me. "You're all wet now."

"Gross," I laughed, moving my hair out of my face. "You'll have to pay for that."

"Oh will I?" he let go and I gasped, slipping a few inches back into the water but he took hold of me before I could actually go under.

"I hate you."

He bent his head slightly, capturing my lips with his. "I love you too."


We spent our three days in the Maldives lazing around, eating, and canoodling until we fell asleep in each others arms.

Tonight we would fly back to Mumbai in the middle of the night. Instead of sleeping, we were at a beachside restaurant on the resort.

We were sitting on the edge of the restaurant deck, our legs dangling over the side. I had my arms around Naina, and she was tracing my bare arms. I was trying to fight the instinct of stopping our Instagram scrolling and lovely conversation for... other things.

"So how many kids then?" I asked. Somehow a conversation about dream vacations led into talking about places one should go before kids and after kids.


"Just one!" I gasped teasingly.

"Why do guys always want a bunch of kids but can never actually take care of them? Or give birth to them?"

Naina (Al-Ameen Family #4)Where stories live. Discover now